Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program
CSFA Number: 588-20-1018
Agency Name
Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (588)
Agency Identification
Agency Contact
Tolly Knezevich
Short Description
The REP grant is a State Funded Preparedness Program intended to support local government planning, training and exercise requirements associated with, off-site disaster response and recovery from a Nuclear Power Plant accident. Grants are made primarily to local government entities located within the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone.
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
Section 4 of the Illinois Nuclear Safety Preparedness Act [420 ILCS 5/4]
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
To support local governments in their planning, training and exercise efforts in order to effectively provide public health and safety from the effects of a nuclear power plant accident.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
Please refer to IEMA 32 Illinois Administrative Code 501 and the REP Program Grant Manual for detailed information on program-specific terms.
Eligible Applicants
Government Organizations;
Applicant Eligibility
Local governmental entities incurring expenses attributable to implementation and maintenance of the plans and programs authorized by Section 4 of Illinois Nuclear Safety Preparedness Act [420 ILCS 5].
Beneficiary Eligibility
Types of Assistance
Direct Payments for Specific Use
Subject / Service Area
Public Safety
Credentials / Documentation
Preapplication Coordination
Application Procedures
Participating applicants shall submit to the Agency by March 15 of each year a grant application for the purpose of determining the amount of the grant award. The Agency shall execute a grant agreement with each grantee to whom a grant is awarded. The grant agreement shall specify the parties to the grant, the term of the grant, the amount of the grant, method of payment of the grant funds, permissible uses of the grant funds and the documentation of expenditures to be maintained by the grantee.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
Award Procedures
On July 1 of each year or soon thereafter as is practicable, the Agency shall disburse to the grantee the grant amount determined by the Agency for that state fiscal year.
Application Deadline - May 31
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
N/A - A new application is required for each state fiscal year.
Formula Matching Requirements
Grant funds are awarded in advance, grantees are required to meet all terms and conditions of the agreement to include, eligible pre-approved expenditures, reporting requirements, and expenditures must be utilized prior to the end date of the agreement.
Uses and Restrictions
The following categories are used by the Agency staff as a guide in determining necessary activities and authorized expenses payable under this Part. These categories are designed to achieve equality among known prospective grantees while taking into account the limitations imposed by the availability of appropriated funds. 1) Necessary Activities: Plan development and maintenance, preparation for and participation in training, preparation for and participation in exercises and drills and maintenance of a specific capability to implement nuclear emergency response plans. 2) Authorized Expenses: Personnel Services, travel, equipment use, telecommunications, and miscellaneous expenses related to maintaining the capability to implement nuclear emergency response plans.
County grantee claim forms are due on a quarterly basis in accordance with the following schedule: 1st Quarter (July-September): due October 31 2nd Quarter (October-December): due January 31 3rd Quarter (January-March): due April 30 4th Quarter (April-June): due July 31. Claims from grantees from political subdivisions other than counties are due on a biannual basis in accordance with the following schedule. 1st and 2nd Quarter (July-December): due January 31 3rd and 4th Quarter (January-June): due July 31
The Agency shall have the right to audit and obtain copies of the books, records, and any other recorded information of the grantee related to grantee expenses for which grantee received compensation under this grant.
Participating grantees shall maintain, in separate files, documentation of expenditures under the grant that is readily accessible during an Agency audit for a minimum of 5 years. The documentation shall be on forms provided by the Agency.
Account Identification
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Program Accomplishments
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Regional or Local Assistance Location
1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, IL 62704
Headquarters Office
1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, IL 62704
Program Website
Example Projects
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2015 : $650,000
FY 2016 : $650,000
FY 2017 : $650,000
FY 2018 : $650,000
FY 2019 : $650,000
FY 2020 : $650,000
FY 2021 : $650,000
FY 2023 : $650,000
FY 2024 : $650,000
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range