Illinois Cycle Rider Safety Training Program
CSFA Number: 494-10-1503
Agency Name
Department Of Transportation (494)
Agency Identification
Not Exempt from GATA. Grantees are not LPA.
Agency Contact
Allison Conn
(217) 524-8643
Short Description
Responsible for the development and implementation of motorcycle safety training programs and associated projects designed to reduce the frequency and severity of motorcycle crashes in the State.
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
625 ILCS 35
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
JCAR Title 92 Admin Code 455
Develop and implement motorcycle safety training programs to reduce frequency and severity of motorcycle crashes.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
Cycle Rider Safety Training Program grant year runs from 12/1-11/30. Grants are subject to renewals and/or amendments to allow for extension past the initial one-year agreement. Grantees must submit the BoBS 2832 a minimum of four (quarterly) times per year. Some grantees may be required to submit the BoBS 2832 monthly. The final award will determine the reporting specifications. Depending on the funding source of the grant, agencies will also have to complete additional submissions including, but not limited to, BSPE 705. All specific reporting documents shall be listed in the grant agreement. Additional stipulations may be stated in Part III- The Project-Specific Terms in the grant agreement and conditions set forth in the Cycle Rider Safety Training Manual State universities shall utilize the 10% off-campus/ 20% on-campus indirect cost rates as stated in the memo circulated in early 2020 from the IDOT Chief Financial Officer.
Eligible Applicants
Education Organizations;
Applicant Eligibility
State or Community College currently established as a training site for the CRSTP.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Types of Assistance
Project Grants
Subject / Service Area
Public Safety
Credentials / Documentation
The application will also require information including but not limited to DUNS, program contacts, and authorizing representatives. Applicants must be currently established as a training site for the CRSTP.
Preapplication Coordination
Applicants must have a currently established training site location(s) for the CRSTP. All applicants for all grants must be pre-qualified by GATA requirements including active DUNS and not being on the Stop Pay List.
Application Procedures
Review NOFO. Ensure all pre-qualifications are met in the portal prior to applying. Ensure established training site for the CRSTP. Go to to obtain all necessary application paperwork. Submit Application, Affidavit of Conflict of Interest, Budget, Programmatic Risk Assessment, corresponding Attachment, and any additional supplementals for that grant and submit in manner stated in the NOFO.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
Region A Applicants: State or Community College with a currently established training site location (s) for the Cycle Rider Safety Training Program; Located or have satellite locations, in Northern Illinois. Northern Illinois is defined and shown as Region A on the Regional map, attached to this NOFO as Attachment A, The Regional Center, if or when established must be located in a population center of 100,000 or more people; State or Community College currently established as a training site for the Cycle Rider Safety Training Program; Office space to house 5 to 7 full time employees; ability to supply at least one unobstructed 200 foot X 300 foot asphalt training range; technology system capable of managing class registrations of 8,000 to 12,000 students per year; classroom capable of accommodating 24 students; Human resources assets to employee approximately 150 to 200 part time instructors; ease of access to the Interstate Highway system in northern Illinois; access to 6,000 to 10,000 square feet of warehouse space to store 500 plus motorcycles and house mechanical repair area to service motorcycles; parking to store 5 trailers and 48 foot cargo containers; parking for 4 to 5 service trucks and 1 student classroom trailer. Region B Applicants: Region B Applicants: State or Community College with a currently established training site location (s) for the Cycle Rider Safety Training Program; Located or have satellite locations, in Central Illinois. Central Illinois is defined and shown as Region B on the Regional map, attached to this NOFO as Attachment A, The Regional Center, if or when established must be located in a population center of 100,000 or more people; State or Community College currently established as a training site for the Cycle Rider Safety Training Program; Office space to house 5 to 7 full time employees; ability to supply at least one unobstructed 200 foot X 300 foot asphalt training range; technology system capable of managing class registrations of 8,000 to 12,000 students per year; classroom capable of accommodating 24 students; Human resources assets to employee approximately 150 to 200 part time instructors; ease of access to the Interstate Highway system in central Illinois; access to 6,000 to 10,000 square feet of warehouse space to store 500 plus motorcycles and house mechanical repair area to service motorcycles; parking to store 5 trailers and 48 foot cargo containers; parking for 4 to 5 service trucks and 1 student classroom trailer. Region C Applicants: State or Community College with currently established training site location(s) for the Cycle Rider Safety Training Program; Located, or have satellite locations, in southern Illinois. Southern Illinois is defined and shown as Region C on the Regional map, attached to this NOFO as Attachment A; The Regional Center, if or when established, must be located in a population center of 100,000 or more people, have office space to house 5 to 7 full time employees; ability to supply at least three unobstructed 200 foot X 300 foot asphalt training range with easy access to the classroom and motorcycle storage facility; technology system capable of managing class registrations of 4,000 to 6,000 students per year; classroom capable of accommodating 36 students; Human resources assets to employee approximately 150 to 200 part time instructors; ease of access to the Interstate Highway system in southern Illinois to manage training sites throughout Region C; access to a location with 6,000 to 10,000 square feet of warehouse space to store 300 plus motorcycles and house mechanical repair area to service motorcycles; parking to store 5 trailers and 48 foot cargo containers; parking for 4 to 5 service trucks and 1 student classroom trailer.
Award Procedures
All grant applications are assigned to Bureau of Safety Programs and Engineering (BSPE) staff for reviewing and scoring based on program specific criteria. First, an application is assigned to a staff member along with a project evaluation template for an initial review. A second review will be completed by one of IDOT’s Motorcycle Safety Unit staff. The final score will be calculated by averaging the first two reviewer’s scores. Selected applicants will receive a Notice of State Award (NOSA). Applicants that were not selected will receive a denial letter. After the merit-based review and selection is completed, applicants that have been denied funding have the ability to appeal the decision. This is done by submitting a formal letter to the BSPE. This letter may present the case in which the applicant believes they should have received funding. Please contact 217-782-3568 for specifics.
Vary with each specific NOFO.
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
Vary with each specific NOFO.
Submit a formal letter to the BSPE. This letter may present the case in which the applicant believes they should have received funding. Please contact 217-782-3568 for specifics.
Formula Matching Requirements
Uses and Restrictions
625 ILCS 35; JCAR Title 92 Admin Code 455
BoBS 2832; BSPE 705
JCAR Title 44 Illinois Administrative Code 7000.90
20-07 Item 1: Cycle Rider Safety Training Program Files
Account Identification
FY21: $8,540,372.79; FY22: $9,250,000.00 est.; FY23: $9,900,000.00 est.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Program Accomplishments
Reduced frequency and severity of motorcycle crashes through motorcycle safety training courses.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Cycle Rider Safety- HSP- General Traffic Safety Grants-
Regional or Local Assistance Location
2300 S. Dirksen Parkway, Rm 005 Springfield, IL 62764
Headquarters Office
Hanley Building (Springfield)
Program Website
Example Projects
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2015 : $4,800,000
FY 2017 : $14,914,766
FY 2018 : $12,800,000
FY 2019 : $10,947,748
FY 2020 : $12,866,113
FY 2021 : $8,540,373
FY 2022 : $9,250,000
FY 2023 : $9,900,000
FY 2024 : $11,000,000
FY 2025 : $12,000,000
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range
Agency IDGrantee NameStart DateEnd DateAmount
CR-24-0701Southern Illinois University Carbondale12/01/202311/30/20265,362,683