Highway Research Program
CSFA Number: 494-00-1575
Agency Name
Department Of Transportation (494)
Agency Identification
Not GATA Exempt.
Agency Contact
John Senger
Short Description
The federally funded SPR Part 2 Research Development & Technology Transfer Program is governed by 23 CFR 420. Each state DOT is instructed to develop, establish, and implement an RD&T program, funded with Federal and State DOT resources, that anticipates and addresses transportation concerns before they become critical problems. These programs should also include development and technology transfer programs to share the results of this research and promote the use of new technology.
Federal Authorization
Federal Aid Highway Program
Illinois Statue Authorization
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
23 CFR 420 - This part prescribes the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) policies and procedures for the administration of activities undertaken by State departments of transportation (State DOTs) and their subrecipients, including metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), with FHWA planning and research funds. Subpart A identifies the administrative requirements that apply to use of FHWA planning and research funds both for planning and for research, development, and technology transfer (RD&T) activities. Subpart B describes the policies and procedures that relate to the approval and authorization of RD&T work programs. The requirements in this part supplement those in 49 CFR part 18, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments and 49 CFR part 19, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations.
The purpose of the program is to carry out research, development, and technology transfer (RD&T) activities, programs, and studies undertaken by the department.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
Additional requirements are included for the following categories and areas: PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION - Including the areas of: Personnel; Communication; Meetings; Reporting; Non-Performance & Non-Responsiveness of Grantee; Technology Transfer; Technical Work Requirements; Administrative Facilities; Annual Research Program; Information; Technology Resources; Travel; Equipment - General; Equipment - No longer being used on a Research Project or the Federally-funded SPR Program; Equipment Inventory Records; Use of Advanced Transportation Loading System (ATLAS); Control of Property; In-Kind Contributions; and Termination of Program. RESEARCH PROJECT ADMINISTRATION - Including the areas of: General; Reimbursement; Research Project Evaluation and Deliverables; Travel; Termination of Research Project; Ownership of Documents & Title to Work; Copyrightable Material; Patentable Discoveries and Invention Rights; Data Management; Software; Confidentiality; Research Project Confidentiality; Publication of Research; Publication of Technology Transfer (T2); Expert Testimony; and Test Methods & Specifications.
Eligible Applicants
Government Organizations; Other; Education Organizations;
Applicant Eligibility
Beneficiary Eligibility
Illinois Department of Transportation is the Beneficiary of the Research Program.
Types of Assistance
Direct Payments with Unrestricted Use
Subject / Service Area
Public Safety
Credentials / Documentation
Preapplication Coordination
No prior coordination or approval is required with governmental or non-governmental units prior to the submission of a formal application to the funding agency.
Application Procedures
There is no application. The FHWA has a Stewardship and Oversight Agreement with each State that details the extent to which the State assumes the responsibilities of the FHWA for projects in that State. IDOT is required to submit statements of work and plans, specifications, and estimates for certain projects to their respective FHWA division office for approval.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
Ability to carry out the administration of the program and associated support activities.
Award Procedures
Funding is disbursed on a reimbursement basis, using individual invoices with supporting documentation
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
Formula Matching Requirements
Federal funds require an 80/20 match. State funds are reimbursed at 100%.
Uses and Restrictions
Funds may be used for research, development and technology transfer only, and research projects must have an impact on the federal aid highway system.
In accordance with 49 CFR 18.40, the State DOT shall monitor all activities performed by its staff or by subrecipients with FHWA planning and research funds to assure that the work is being managed and performed satisfactorily and that time schedules are being met. (b)(1) The State DOT must submit performance and expenditure reports, including a report from each subrecipient, that contain as a minimum: (i) Comparison of actual performance with established goals; (ii) Progress in meeting schedules; (iii) Status of expenditures in a format compatible with the work program, including a comparison of budgeted (approved) amounts and actual costs incurred; (iv) Cost overruns or underruns; (v) Approved work program revisions; and (vi) Other pertinent supporting data. (2) Additional information on reporting requirements for individual RD&T studies is contained in subpart B of this part. (c) Reports required by paragraph (b) of this section shall be annual unless more frequent reporting is determined to be necessary by the FHWA Division Administrator. The FHWA may not require more frequent than quarterly reporting unless the criteria in 49 CFR 18.12 or 49 CFR 19.14 are met. Reports are due 90 days after the end of the reporting period for annual and final reports and no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period for other reports. (d) Events that have significant impact on the work must be reported as soon as they become known. The types of events or conditions that require reporting include: problems, delays, or adverse conditions that will materially affect the ability to attain program objectives. This disclosure must be accompanied by a statement of the action taken, or contemplated, and any Federal assistance needed to resolve the situation.
Audits to be conducted in accordance with the Illinois Administrative Code JCAR Title 44.7000.90.
Quarterly reports on the program, meeting minutes, invoices, and equipment lists are saved electronically.
Account Identification
HPR 25-001-25 GSQT(330)
$6,516,666.67 on average per year.
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
$6,250,000.00 to $7,050,000.00
Program Accomplishments
Completion of dozens of research projects and associated implementation of results.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Regional or Local Assistance Location
Headquarters Office
126 East Ash Street, Springfield IL 62704
Program Website
Example Projects
Published reports for completed projects may be accessed at the Illinois Center for Transportation’s website under Research, Publications
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2017 : $3,800,000
FY 2018 : $6,500,000
FY 2019 : $6,430,000
FY 2020 : $5,930,000
FY 2021 : $6,950,000
FY 2025 : $8,650,000
FY 2026 : $8,650,000
FY 2027 : $7,650,000
FY 2028 : $7,650,000
FY 2029 : $7,650,000
FY 2030 : $7,650,000
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range
Agency IDGrantee NameStart DateEnd DateAmount
24-1575-46368Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)07/01/202406/30/203047,900,000