State Participation in Local Lead Projects Program
CSFA Number: 494-00-2453
Agency Name
Department Of Transportation (494)
Agency Identification
Partial GATA Exempt. Exempt if awarded to an LPA.
Agency Contact
Tracinda Sisk
(217) 782-2755
Short Description
The purpose of the State Participation in Local Lead Projects Program is to provide state assistance for roadway improvements or new construction that are necessary for public safety and economic development. Funding will include preliminary engineering, construction, construction engineering and contingencies. This is a non-competitive program in which program projects benefit the interests of the State or involve roadways that are under State jurisdiction. Any substantial modifications to these commitments, change in location or scope of work will cause the DEPARTMENT's commitment to be reevaluated.
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
To provide funding assistance to local agencies for eligible roadway infrastructure improvements to support economic development and public safety.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
To provide funding assistance to local agencies for eligible roadway infrastructure improvements to support economic development and public safety.
Eligible Applicants
Government Organizations; For-Profit Organizations; Nonprofit Organizations; Other;
Applicant Eligibility
An entity may apply for State cost participation but IDOT cannot execute the agreement until the entity has qualified through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) provider portal at: All applicants must be registered with SAMS and acquire a DUNS number. If Local Agency is not registered with SAMS please register at The amount and/or percentage of State participation will vary.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Types of Assistance
Subject / Service Area
Public Safety
Credentials / Documentation
Preapplication Coordination
Questions regarding the process; please contact Tracinda Sisk, Central Office, Bureau of Programming, or call (217) 782-2755.
Application Procedures
The municipality should request participation in funding from the DEPARTMENT as soon as possible. Notification of IDOT's Bureau Programming will trigger an evaluation process which must occur before funding will be approved. Agencies will receive a Notice of State Award once all requirements are fulfilled. The proposed project still needs to meet all State and Federal standards before construction can begin.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
The Local Agency must be in good standing with the State of Illinois
Award Procedures
This program is not a competitive program and will consider requests for project participation while funding is available. IDOT can only enter into an agreement with a local body of government (i.e. township, city, village, or county). Local Match is required to pay for that portion of eligible expenses and ineligible expenses incurred under this program that are not funded by this grant. Required Documents: -GATA compliance/approval. -GATA Budget Template. -A general description for the scope of the project with a location map. -Signed Joint Agreement. -Programmatic Risk Assessment Questionnaire. -Cost estimates including accurate PE estimates.
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
30 days
Request written appeals through the Local Lead Program Manager; Tracinda Sisk.
Formula Matching Requirements
This program is not a competitive program and will consider requests for project participation while funding is available. IDOT can only enter into an agreement with a local body of government (i.e. township, city, village, or county). Local Match is required to pay for that portion of eligible expenses and ineligible expenses incurred under this program that are not funded by this grant. 100% on State Route, 50/50 match for all other roads.
Uses and Restrictions
There will be NO deviations from the signed Joint Agreement.
Quarterly and close out reporting is required.
All grants are subject to audits.
Keep appropriate records for audits.
Account Identification
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Program Accomplishments
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Projects must be designed and built using Motor Fuel Tax policies and procedures administered by IDOT. See #22 below: "Funding Information"
Regional or Local Assistance Location
IDOT Local Roads Engineer where the project resides
Headquarters Office
Central office, Programming, Room 307, Tracinda Sisk
Program Website
Example Projects
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2019 : $18,849,000
FY 2020 : $46,047,000
FY 2021 : $138,393,000
FY 2022 : $170,133,000
FY 2025 : $11,500,000
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range