Rebuild Illinois Airport Capital Improvement Program
CSFA Number: 494-60-2547
Agency Name
Department Of Transportation (494)
Agency Identification
Partial GATA Exempt. Universities not exempt.
Agency Contact
Clayton Stambaugh
Short Description
Provide competitive grants for the planning, construction, reconstruction, extension, development, and improvement of public-use airports that are included in the Illinois Aviation System Plan (IASP). ACIP Grants augment the continual Federal Airport Improvement Program (AIP), and other state aviation programs, where funding limitations and constraints prevent otherwise justified projects from being completed.
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
2019 Rebuild Illinois Capital Plan: HB 62; P.A. 101-0029 Section 105; P.A. 101-0638 Section 460
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
Competitive grants for the planning, construction, reconstruction, extension, development, and improvement of public-use airports that are included in the Illinois Aviation System Plan (IASP). ACIP Grants augment the continual Federal Airport Improvement Program (AIP), and other state aviation programs, where funding limitations and constraints prevent otherwise justified projects from being completed.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
The airport owner must meet and comply with the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) 30 ILCS 708 requirements. Follow all requirements of General Obligation Bond Act 30 ILCS 330.
Eligible Applicants
Government Organizations;
Applicant Eligibility
Eligible applicants are public-use public-owned airports in Illinois. Furthermore, to be eligible for a grant, an airport must be included within the IASP. Recipients of grants are referred to as "sponsors." Sponsors must be legally, financially, and otherwise able to carry out state and federal assurances and obligations contained in the project application and grant agreement, including the ability to meet and comply with the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA).
Beneficiary Eligibility
Public agencies/sponsors of reliever airports or airports within the State of Illinois
Types of Assistance
Project Grants
Subject / Service Area
Public Safety
Credentials / Documentation
Sponsors must submit information establishing financial capability and legal authority to accomplish the project and to operate the airport.
Preapplication Coordination
Application Procedures
Application Procedure outlined in the NOFO, will include Uniform Application, Uniform Budget Template, Programmatic Risk Assessment, AER 101 & 104
Criteria Selecting Proposals
Official ACIP program solicitation will occur in 2021. Projects will be reviewed and prioritized based on established guidance and criteria as well as any justification provided by the airport sponsor. Programming and selection of projects will be done at the ultimate discretion of IDOT. IDOT will program the full amount available as appropriated over multiple years in a single solicitation. Prior to a selected project being programmed for FY21, sponsors will be contacted to ensure readiness and the ability to match. If necessary, subsequent program years will be conducted in the same format. Projects will be generated from sponsor project submittals received through Spring submittals after the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is published. Projects seeking ACIP grants cannot simultaneously request other available funds from the Federal AIP or other state aviation programs.
Award Procedures
All projects selected will be issued a Program Letter issued through the IDOT Office of Planning and Programming. Upon receipt of Program Letter, sponsor can commence eligible work on project toward submittal of plans for IDOT letting and finalization of GATA procedures, as well as issuance of agency agreement
Deadline date as identified in the NOFO: June 18, 2021 11:59 pm
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
Formula Matching Requirements
For Projects less than $5 Million, 90% State Funds, 10% Non-State Match For Projects between $5 Million and $15 Million, 80% State Funds, 20% Non-State Match For Projects between $15 Million and $25 Million, 75% State Funds, 25% Non-State Match For Projects $25 Million, 50% State Funds, 50% Non-State Match Overall development objectives, or single large projects, are capped at the award of $25 million in Multimodal Transportation Bond funds. This includes airport sponsors who received allocation of Multimodal Transportation Bond Funds who have indicated commitment of those allocations toward an overall development object or single large project.
Uses and Restrictions
For grants with an estimated total project cost of $500,000 or more, the grantee will be required to comply with the Illinois Works Apprenticeship Initiative (30 ILCS 559/20-20 to 20-25 and all applicable administrative rules), but are permitted to seek from the Department a waiver or reduction of this goal in certain circumstances pursuant to 30 ILCS 559/20-20(b). Airport sponsors who accept a grant offer are also accepting conditions and obligations associated grant assurances, including GATA. This also includes state and federal obligations to operate and maintain the airport in a safe and serviceable condition, not grant exclusive rights, mitigate hazards to airspace, and use airport revenue properly, among others. The program targets justified projects that are of low federal priority or non-compatible with the Federal AIP and other state aviation programs due to a variety of limitations and constraints such as ineligibility. Eligible projects include airfield and landside improvements, including limited equipment, that maintain the continuation of safe, efficient, secure, and sustainable operations of the Illinois Aviation System (IAS), and that maximize commerce and economic opportunity in Illinois. Justification, as it relates to this program, is reserved at the discretion of IDOT. Certain professional services that are necessary for eligible projects (such as planning, surveying, and engineering) can also be eligible if all IDOT and FAA requirements have been met. IDOT must be able to determine the projects are justified based on civil aeronautical demand and conform with the IASP and the NPIAS. The projects must also meet state and federal environmental and procurement requirements. The IDOT Airport Letting Process, implemented through IDOT Aeronautics, ensures compliance with all applicable state and federal requirements. Projects related to airport operational costs - such as preventative or routine maintenance, salaries, expendable items and supplies - are not eligible for ACIP grants. In addition, per the Illinois Aeronautics Act, projects related to hangars or other airport buildings are ineligible. Projects must result in a complete improvement that provide for a safe, useful, and usable unit. No segmentation of projects will be allowed. Project phasing will be considered, if each phase provides a safe, useful, and usable unit, under a single overall development objective to be accomplished within the program.. Projects resulting in changes to the airport design standards for airport infrastructure and airport approach surfaces will be reviewed carefully to assess the greater impact and potential cost of resulting design standards and geometrics that must then be met. Given the size and ultimate cost of the impact, and statewide/national aviation system considerations, including constrained funding, IDOT has the discretion to not consider the project. MATCH REQUIREMENT: For Projects less than $5 Million, 90% State Funds, 10% Non-State Match For Projects between $5 Million and $15 Million, 80% State Funds, 20% Non-State Match For Projects between $15 Million and $25 Million, 75% State Funds, 25% Non-State Match For Projects $25 Million, 50% State Funds, 50% Non-State Match Overall development objectives, or single large projects, are capped at the award of $25 million in Multimodal Transportation Bond funds. This includes airport sponsors who received allocation of Multimodal Transportation Bond Funds who have indicated commitment of those allocations toward an overall development object or single large project.
During the project, the sponsor monitors performance to ensure that timely schedules are maintained. Periodic reports, as required, are forwarded to the Division of Aeronautics . The recipient periodically submits form 5370-1, the Construction Progress and Inspection Report. For non-construction projects, the recipient submits a quarterly project performance report. These reports are different than the financial reports, which are required separately for every grant. Project performance monitoring is conducted through site visits and reports. Reports must be filed quarterly with the Division of Aeronautics and as frequently as determined by the Division of Aeronautics based on project type.
Recipient sponsor's records are required to be made available for inspection by IDOT, OEIG, and any other auditing state agency.
An airport layout plan must be kept up to date and available as long as the grant agreement lasts, ordinarily a period of 20 years. Accounting records reflecting all project costs, books, documents, and records pertinent to grants are to be retained for 3 years after date of submission of final expenditure report.
Account Identification
FY2021: $94,000,000; FY 2022 re-appropriation: $94,000,000
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Program Accomplishments
Not Fully Implemented
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Regional or Local Assistance Location
1 Langhorne Bond Drive, Springfield IL 62707
Headquarters Office
1 Langhorne Bond Drive, Springfield IL 62707
Program Website
Example Projects
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2022 : $94,000,000
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range