National Motor Carrier Safety
CSFA Number: 494-10-0330
Agency Name
Department Of Transportation (494)
Agency Identification
Not Exempt from GATA. Grantee is Il State Police.
Agency Contact
Luis Flores
Short Description
The Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) is a Federal formula grant program that provides financial assistance to reduce the number and severity of crashes, injuries and fatalities and hazardous material incidents involving commercial motor vehicles.
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
Federal Highway Safety Bill, Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, 49 U.S.C. 31102(a)-(k), 31104 (2016), as amended. Pub. L. No. 114-94, 5101(a) and 5101(c) (2015) and 49 CFR 31102(a)-(k) & 31104, Public Law 114-94, 49 US Code 31102 (a)(k) as amended by, See also 49 CFR part 350, as amended. States agree to adopt and enforce 49 CFR parts 390-397 and 107 (subparts F and G only), 171, 173, 177, 178 & 180. USC 49, Section: 31102 (a)(k); See also 49 CFR part 350, as amended. States agree to adopt and enforce 49 CFR parts 390-397 and 107 (subparts F and G only), 171,173, 177, 178 & 180.
To reduce the number and severity of crashes and hazardous material incidents involving commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) on Illinois roadways.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
During the course of the grant project and for three years after the final voucher (invoice) is submitted, grant recipients must retain intact and to provide any data, documents, reports, records, contracts, and supporting materials relating to the project as FMCSA may require in addition to the reporting and record-keeping requirements set forth in 2 C.F.R. Section 200.333
Eligible Applicants
Applicant Eligibility
Illinois State Police
Beneficiary Eligibility
Types of Assistance
Formula Grants
Subject / Service Area
Public Safety
Credentials / Documentation
Preapplication Coordination
Submittal of application package by August 1st through annually to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Coordination of Appropriation Request and Project Description, Objectives and Activities
Application Procedures
N/A-Non Competitive
Criteria Selecting Proposals
Award Procedures
N/A-Non Competitive
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
Formula Matching Requirements
Yes, 5% match requirement for Federal Dollars
Uses and Restrictions
Motor carrier safety enforcement and education. All reimbursable items must be necessary, reasonable, allocable, and allowable to accomplish the goals of the program. Cost eligibility standards are described in the applicable cost principles and administrative requirements. (2 CFR part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; and FMCSA's MCSAP Comprehensive Policy, as revised in June 2016).
Reporting responsibilities include quarterly program performance status using the Performance Progress Report (SF-PPR) and quarterly financial status using the Federal Financial Report (SF-FFR).
Grantee shall be subject to the audit requirements contained in the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (31 USC 7501-7507) and subpart F of 2 CFR Part 200, and the audit rules and policies set forth by the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget. See 30 ILCS 708/65(c); Admin. Code 7000.90. Compliance with GATA CYEFR requirements is required.
During the course of the grant project and for three years after the final voucher (invoice) is submitted, grant recipients must retain intact and to provide any data, documents, reports, records, contracts, and supporting materials relating to the project as FMCSA may require in addition to the reporting and record-keeping requirements set forth in 2 C.F.R. Section 200.333.
Account Identification
(Formula Grants) FY23 $17,867,426.00 FY22 $14,533,922.00 FY21 $12,449,678.03
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
N/A- Formula Grant.
Program Accomplishments
Within FY 2016 the following national safety elements were reached:3,294,578 CMV safety inspections conducted 412,487 CMV traffic violations identified 35,769 safety audits of new motor carriers conducted 6,269 compliance investigations of motor carriers initiated, and 878,919 out of service safety violations identified. The above accomplishments were achieved by the 55 States and U.S. Territories that were recipients of MCSAP funds within FY 2016. These efforts provided the majority of national CMV and passenger carrier safety enforcement supported through FMCSA. Fiscal Year 2018: Within the current fiscal (FY 2018), over 2 million CMV inspections have been conducted under the auspices of this program, leading to safer highways with over 400,000 out of service (OOS) violations issued. This data also feeds FMCSA’s various safety data systems, allowing the Agency and its State partners to direct enforcement resources as necessary. The FMCSA has also launched its multi-year Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan (CVSP) project, allowing States to submit Plans (required for MCSAP eligibility) covering a three-year time span. This reduces administrative burdens on the State and FMCSA, while also enhancing the ability to effectively assess commercial vehicle safety impact over a specific time-period. Fiscal Year:2019:Fiscal Year 2019: According to the FMCSA’s most recently published Large Truck and Bus Statistics, over 3 million CMV inspections have been conducted under the auspices of this program, leading to safer highways with over 600,000 out of service (OOS) violations issued. This data also feeds FMCSA’s various safety data systems, allowing the Agency and its State partners to direct enforcement resources as necessary. The FMCSA has also launched its multi-year Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan (CVSP) project, allowing States to submit Plans (required for MCSAP eligibility) covering a three-year time span. This reduces administrative burdens on the State and FMCSA, while also enhancing the ability to effectively assess commercial vehicle safety impact over a specific time-period, Fiscal Year: 2020, description: Fiscal Year 2020: According to the FMCSA’s most recently published Large Truck and Bus Statistics, approximately 3.4 million CMV inspections have been conducted under the auspices of this program, leading to safer highways with over 670,000 out of service (OOS) violations issued. This data also feeds FMCSA’s various safety data systems, allowing the Agency and its State partners to direct enforcement resources as necessary. The FMCSA finalized the launch of its multi-year Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan (CVSP) project, allowing States to submit Plans (required for MCSAP eligibility) covering a three-year time span. In addition, the FMCSA was able to complete critical updates to its MCSAP calculation formula (for use in FY 2021) and regulatory framework as required under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) FiscalYear:2021:According to the FMCSA’s most recently published Large Truck and Bus Statistics, approximately 3.4 million CMV inspections have been conducted under the auspices of this program, leading to safer highways with over 670,000 out of service (OOS) violations issued. This data also feeds FMCSA’s various safety data systems, allowing the Agency and its State partners to direct enforcement resources as necessary. FMCSA successfully implemented the new MCSAP allocation formula and regulatory framework as required under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.FiscalYear:2022, As the current surface transportation authorization (FAST Act) expires on September 30, 2021, the FMCSA anticipates awarding funds as appropriated by Congress and allowed under new authorization legislation. Dollar amounts by State will be determined by the allocation formula. Information about the changes in the program can be found within the FMCSA Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program Comprehensive Policy located on the FMCSA website
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
2 CFR 200 formerly OMB Circulars 2 CFR 215, A-122, A-133, A-110 and A-21, Regulations, Executive Orders, and related policy are on the public website at: A solicitation package (notice of funding availability) containing the appropriate forms and directions are made available through
Regional or Local Assistance Location
Headquarters Office
FMCSA Grants Management Office
Program Website
Example Projects
Fiscal Year 2016: Within FY 2016 the following national safety elements were reached: 3,294,578 CMV safety inspections conducted; 412,487 CMV traffic violations identified; 35,769 safety audits of new motor carriers conducted; 6,269 compliance investigations of motor carriers initiated, and 878,919 out of service safety violations identified. The above accomplishments were achieved by the 55 States and U.S. Territories that were recipients of MCSAP funds within FY 2016. These efforts provided the majority of national CMV and passenger carrier safety enforcement supported through FMCSA. Fiscal Year 2017: Within the current fiscal (FY 2017), the following national program elements have been supported through the MCSAP grant: 2,065,980 CMV safety inspections conducted; 253,782 CMV traffic violations identified; 21,544 safety audits of new motor carriers conducted; 4,025 compliance investigations of motor carriers initiated, and 553,738 out of service safety violations identified. The data obtained from these safety interventions are uploaded and maintained within FMCSA's safety data information technology systems, which are accessed by Federal, State and local law enforcement organizations responsible for highway safety. This allows both Federal and State entities to direct enforcement resources as necessary. Funded projects will also include safety data improvement, maintenance of deployed innovative technology projects, and participation in the Performance and Registration Information Systems (PRISM) program. Fiscal Year 2018: Within the current fiscal (FY 2018 - YTD), the following national program elements have been supported through the MCSAP grant: 2,485,204 CMV safety inspections conducted; 315,494 CMV traffic violations identified; 24,763 safety audits of new motor carriers conducted; 4,404 compliance investigations of motor carriers initiated, and 474,386 out of service safety violations identified. The data obtained from these safety interventions are uploaded and maintained within FMCSA's safety data information technology systems, which are accessed by Federal, State and local law enforcement organizations responsible for highway safety. This allows both Federal and State entities to direct enforcement resources as necessary. Funded projects will also include safety data improvement, maintenance of deployed innovative technology projects, and participation in the Performance and Registration Information Systems (PRISM) program. Fiscal Year2020: Based upon the FMCSA's most recently published Large Truck and Bus Statistics, the following national program elements have been supported through the MCSAP grant: 3,385,977 CMV safety inspections conducted; 435,304 CMV traffic violations identified; 36,254 safety audits of new motor carriers conducted; 6,038 compliance investigations of motor carriers initiated, and 671,133 out of service safety violations identified. The data obtained from these safety interventions are uploaded and maintained within FMCSA's safety data information technology systems, which are accessed by Federal, State and local law enforcement organizations responsible for highway safety. This allows both Federal and State entities to direct enforcement resources as necessary. Funded projects will also include safety data improvement, maintenance of deployed innovative technology projects, and participation in the Performance and Registration Information Systems (PRISM) program. Fiscal Year 2021: Fiscal Year 2021: As the current surface transportation authorization (FAST Act) expires on September 30, 2020, the FMCSA anticipates awarding funds as appropriated by Congress and allowed under new authorization legislation. Dollar mounts by State will be determined by the new allocation formula effective July 24, 2020. Information about the changes in the program can be found within the FMCSA Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program Comprehensive Policy located on the FMCSA website While the FMCSA expects State pandemic related responses to have an impact on CMV safety activities (inspections, investigations, etc.), public safety is not expected to be impacted as MCSAP agencies will focus on efforts which minimize exposure; Fiscal Year 2022: Based upon the FMCSA's most recently published Large Truck and Bus Statistics, the following national program elements have been supported through the MCSAP grant: 3,346,894 CMV safety inspections conducted; 432,129 CMV traffic violations identified; 40,221 safety audits of new motor carriers conducted; 5,360 compliance investigations of motor carriers initiated, and 671,373 out of service safety violations identified. The data obtained from these safety interventions are uploaded and maintained within FMCSA's safety data information technology systems, which are accessed by Federal, State and local law enforcement organizations responsible for highway safety. This allows both Federal and State entities to direct enforcement resources as necessary. Funded projects will also include safety data improvement, maintenance of deployed innovative technology projects, and participation in the Performance and Registration Information Systems (PRISM) program.
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2016 : $4,469,915
FY 2017 : $9,761,600
FY 2018 : $10,655,099
FY 2019 : $11,184,492
FY 2020 : $10,470,718
FY 2021 : $1,244,967,803
FY 2022 : $14,533,922
FY 2023 : $17,867,426
FY 2024 : $18,060,257
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range