High-Speed Rail Corridors and Intercity Passenger Rail Service - Capital Assistance Grants
CSFA Number: 494-80-0334
Agency Name
Department Of Transportation (494)
Agency Identification
Partial GATA Exempt. Only LPA's are exempt.
Agency Contact
Jason Osborn
Short Description
Assists in financing the capital costs of facilities, infrastructure, and equipment necessary to provide or improve high-speed rail and intercity passenger rail service.
Federal Authorization
PRIIA 2008, Public Law 111-5
Illinois Statue Authorization
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
Improve high-speed rail and intercity passenger rail service.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
Established via Federal Register NOFO.
Eligible Applicants
Government Organizations; For-Profit Organizations;
Applicant Eligibility
State departments of transportation and other public agencies, although private transportation companies may participate through contractual arrangements with a State department of transportation.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Intercity passenger rail users.
Types of Assistance
Project Grants
Subject / Service Area
Public Safety
Credentials / Documentation
Preapplication Coordination
Pre-application coordination is required. An environmental impact statement is required for this listing based on the project type.
Application Procedures
The FRA will provide an initial review of the applicant, project application and eligibility. The application is then reviewed and rated against the key criteria set forth in the NOFO.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
All selection criteria will be specified in Federal Register notices announcing the availability of funding pursuant to this program, and shall include, but shall not be limited to, prioritizing criteria defined in relevant law, and criteria intended to ensure the timely completion of funding projects and the full realization of the benefits the projects are intended to generate.
Award Procedures
As noted in NOFO.
As noted in NOFO.
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
FRA discretion
Formula Matching Requirements
No formula, varies based on NOFO.
Uses and Restrictions
Assistance can be used to develop projects, programs and planning. This includes Projects which will result in the creation of new or substantially improved High-Speed Rail/Intercity Passenger Rail service, and will provide tangible and measurable benefits, such as on-time performance improvements, travel-time reductions and higher service frequencies resulting in increased ridership. Final Design, the last phase of project development, includes right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation, the preparation of final design plans, construction management plans, system safety plans for construction management and operations, safety certification, any required collision hazard analysis, final construction cost estimates and detail specifications, as well as procurement of construction services and equipment. Funds may not be used to funding operating expenses, or for commuter rail passenger transportation. All funds are discretionary, and awarded by the Federal Railroad Administration.
Quarterly Financial and Milestone Report submittal to FRA.
DOT to follow record retention policies
Account Identification
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Program Accomplishments
Chicago-St. Louis High Speed Rail, station projects, equipment acquisitions
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Interim program guidance is provided within Notices of Funding Availability. Additional information is available as needed on the FRA website and from FRA grants management staff.
Regional or Local Assistance Location
2300 S. Dirksen Parkway, Springfield IL
Headquarters Office
IDOT Central Office, Springfield
Program Website
Example Projects
Chicago-St. Louis High-Speed Rail, Midwest Equipment Procurement
Published Date
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range