State and Community Highway Safety/National Priority Safety Program
CSFA Number: 494-10-0343
Agency Name
Department Of Transportation (494)
Agency Identification
Not Exempt from GATA. These are Safety grants.
Agency Contact
Sarah Mooree
(217) 524-8166
Short Description
A state may use these grant funds only for highway safety purposes. Encourage States to address national priorities for reducing highway deaths and injuries through occupant protection programs, state traffic safety information system improvements, impaired driving countermeasures, passage of effective laws to reduce distracted driving, implementation of motorcyclist safety programs, racial profiling data, and the implementation of graduated driving licensing laws.
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
IL state safety office
These funds increase safety on Illinois roadways. The enforcement and non-enforcement efforts are designed to reduce fatalities and serious injuries. These efforts include but are not limited to reducing fatalities and injuries, increasing usage of occupant protection devices, study outreach, training and analyzation of racial profiling, reducing impaired driving, increasing motorcycle safety, and using data driven safety analysis based on accuracy, timeliness, completeness, uniformity, integration, and accessibility. Each agency has different needs and focuses and will use the grant funds to help combat their unique issues.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
402- reduce driver behavior and reduce deaths and injuries from motor vehicle-related crashes; 405b- occupant protection; 405c traffic records and information system improvements; 405d- impaired driving countermeasures; 405f- motorcyclist safety; 405g- nonmotorized safety; 1906 racial profiling funds; and any other funds received for behavior-related issues. Local agency grants run on the Federal Fiscal Year (10/01-09/30). State Agency grants run on the State Fiscal year (07/01-06/30). Non-Enforcement Grantees must submit the Periodic Performance Report every month in Amplifund or current grant management system. The Periodic Financial Report must be submitted monthly or quarterly based on the risk criteria from the Internal Control Questionnaire and Programmatic Risk Assessment; however, the Grantor may require monthly submissions by the Grantee regardless of risk level. Some Grantees may be granted permission to submit the BoBS 2832 and BSPE 07 in lieu of the Periodic Performance Report and/or Periodic Financial Report. Non-Enforcement Grantees must also submit the BSPE 600 for claims. Enforcement Grantees must submit the BoBS 2832 either monthly or quarterly based on the risk criteria from the Internal Control Questionnaire and Programmatic Risk Assessment; however, the Grantor may require monthly submissions by the Grantee regardless of risk level. Enforcement grantees are also required to submit the BSPE 500 and BSPE 205 or BSPE 206. Additional forms may be required for grantees (e.g., forms for equipment purchases, new agency orientation, and out-of-state travel. All specific reporting documents shall be listed in the grant agreement. Additional stipulations may be stated in Part III- The Project-Specific Terms in the grant agreement. Grantees must submit the BoBS 2832 a minimum of four (quarterly) times per year. Some grantees may be required to submit the BoBS 2832 monthly. The final award will determine the reporting specifications. Additional stipulations may be stated in Part III- The Project-Specific Terms in the grant agreement. stated in Part III- The Project-Specific Terms in the grant agreement. All grant applicants may apply for indirect costs; however, the Agreement may deny the rate in the final Agreement budget, issue a provisional rate, or not increase the final budget dollar amount if the finalized rate is higher than the provisional rate after the Agreement is executed. All grant applicants are encouraged to email for complete details. State universities shall utilize the 10% off-campus/20% on-campus indirect cost rates as stated in the memo circulated in early 2020 from the IDOT Chief Financial Officer. All universities requesting different rates must be pre-approved by the IDOT GATA Unit or will be defaulted to the 10% off-campus/20% on-campus indirect cost rates.
Eligible Applicants
Applicant Eligibility
Sustained Traffic Enforcement (STEP), Distracted Driving, Speed Mini-grants, and other local agency enforcement grants- local law enforcement agencies Injury Prevention, Impaired Driving Programs, Traffic Records/State Safety Information System Improvements, Nonmotorized Safety-, local law enforcement agencies, universities, non-for-profits, state agencies, and under specific circumstances, private agencies; DUI Courts, Child Passenger Resource Center, Law Enforcement Liaison, and Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor- universities, non-for-profits, local law enforcement agencies, and under specific circumstances, private agencies, Racial Profiling- universities, non-for-profits, local law enforcement agencies, and under specific circumstances, private agencies. State Agencies are eligible to receive grants that are the same or similar in nature to these local agencies grant programs. Additional programs may develop and have differing applicant eligibility.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Types of Assistance
Project Grants
Subject / Service Area
Public Safety
Credentials / Documentation
Information in the Attachment corresponding to that particular grant funding opportunity (BSPE 411, 412, 421, 431, 311, 321, or 221) and the information provided in the Budget Template. The application will also require information including but not limited to DUNS, program contacts, and authorizing representatives.
Preapplication Coordination
All applicants for all grants must be pre-qualified by GATA requirements including active accounts and not being on the Stop Pay List.
Application Procedures
Review NOFO. Ensure all pre-qualifications are met in the GATA GOMB portal and, if applicable, Amplifund (or the current grant management system) prior to applying. Ensure additional eligibility for grant application criteria are met (e.g. local law enforcement agency vs. state agency). Go to to obtain all necessary application paperwork, links, and or directions. Submit all documentation required in Amplifund (or the current grant management system). Each NOFO will require different documentation to be submitted. All necessary documentation for each NOFO will be made available to applicant in Amplifund (or the current grant management system). All pre-qualifications must be met, and documentation completed before the application can be submitted.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
All application documents submitted on time shall be reviewed, graded, and scored by criteria as stated in the NOFO. Reviews may be completed internally or externally. Due to limited funding, not all applications may receive funding. Each application will be reviewed by at least two (2) different reviewers. Reviewers will complete a scorecard and make notes as necessary. After the scoring process is completed, BSPE will compile all reviews and begin the selection process. Selection will be based on the merit-based review average score, overall benefit to highway safety, past experience with the Grantor (if a previous grantee), and available funding. Selected applicants will receive a notice of award via Amplifund (or the current grant management system). Applicants that are not selected will receive a denial letter. After the merit-based review and selection is completed, applicants that have been denied funding have the ability to appeal the decision. This is done by submitting a formal letter to the BSPE. This letter may present the case in which the applicant believes they should have received funding. Please contact for specifics.
Award Procedures
Selected applicants will notification via Amplifund (or the current grant management system) Applicants that are not selected will receive a denial letter via USPS. Grants are funded on a reimbursement basis. The requirements for submitting reimbursements will vary from agency to agency depending on the funding source.
Vary with each specific NOFO.
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
Vary with each specific NOFO.
Submit a formal letter to the BSPE. This letter may present the case in which the applicant believes they should have received funding. Please contact for specifics.
Formula Matching Requirements
Not Required
Uses and Restrictions
23 CFR 1300
Vary with each specific NOFO and/or grant type or funding source. May include, but not limited to: BoBS 2832; BSPE 500, BSPE 600; BSPE 07; BSPE 205; BSPE 206; BSPE 27; BSPE 602; Periodic Program Report; Periodic Financial Report. Specific reporting requirements will be detailed in each individual Agreement.
JCAR Title 44 Illinois Administrative Code 7000.90
19-52 02,03 Grant Agreement Files – State and Federally Funded 7 Year Retention
Account Identification
Prior Year: $27,833,672; Current Year: $39,776,214; Next Year: $31,725,000.00
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Program Accomplishments
Increase roadway safety to reduce fatalities and serious injuries. The accomplishments will be available via the Annual Report. The program plans will be detailed in the Triennial Highway Safety Plan (3HSP). Both documents are available at
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
2 CFR 200- 23 CFR 1300- 3HSP- TRCC (traffic records)- General Traffic Safety Grants- Cycle Rider Safety- Occupant Protection- Evaluations- Impaired Driving-
Regional or Local Assistance Location
2300 S. Dirksen Parkway, Rm 005 Springfield, IL 62764
Headquarters Office
Hanley Building (Springfield)
Program Website
2 CFR 200- 23 CFR 1300- 3HSP- TRCC (traffic records)- General Traffic Safety Grants- Cycle Rider Safety- Occupant Protection- Evaluations- Impaired Driving-
Example Projects
Distracted Driving, Impaired Driving Enforcement, Teen Driving Education, Racial Profiling, Law Enforcement Education and Training
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2015 : $29,202,860
FY 2016 : $32,429,602
FY 2017 : $40,023,035
FY 2018 : $38,731,438
FY 2019 : $16,552,148
FY 2020 : $20,427,795
FY 2021 : $20,553,260
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range
DetailsGMS 25-0343-08 Racial Profiling Program$0 - $007/01/2024 - 08/16/2024
Agency IDGrantee NameStart DateEnd DateAmount
HS-24-0220City of Chicago - 84 Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT)10/01/202309/30/2024720,000
HS-24-0228Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police Foundation10/01/202309/30/2024638,167
HS-24-0247Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (University of Illinois at Chicago)10/01/202309/30/2024541,230
HS-24-0046City of Calumet City10/01/202309/30/2024496,681
HS-24-0237Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists10/01/202309/30/2024432,106