Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program
CSFA Number: 588-40-0451
Agency Name
Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (588)
Agency Identification
Agency Contact
Short Description
PDM - BRIC program provides grants to states and local governments to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures to reduce the loss of life and property due to natural disasters.
Federal Authorization
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act), Section 203
Illinois Statue Authorization
20 ILCS 3305
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
Authorized by §203 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Assistance andEmergency Relief Act (Stafford
Act), 42 U.S.C. 5133
PDM - BRIC funds may be used to fund projects that will reduce or eliminate the losses from future disasters. Projects must provide a long-term solution to a problem – for example, elevation of a home to reduce the risk of flood damages as opposed to buying sandbags and pumps to fight the flood. In addition, a project’s potential savings must be more than the cost of implementing the project. Funds may be used to protect either public or private property or to purchase property that has been subjected to, or is in danger of, repetitive damage. Examples of projects include, but are not limited to:
• Acquisition of real property from willing sellers and demolition or relocation of buildings to convert the property to open space use.
• Retrofitting structures and facilities to minimize damages from high winds, earthquake, flood, wildfire, or other natural hazards.
• Elevation of flood prone structures.
• Minor flood control projects that do not duplicate the flood prevention activities of other federal agencies.
• Post–disaster building code-related activities that support building code officials during the reconstruction process.
UGA Program Terms
1. The Grantee will provide all necessary financial and managerial resources to meet the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
2. The Grantee is aware that the grant program requires cost-sharing on the basis of not more than 75 percent Federal and at least 25 percent non-Federal contributions and that the Grantee is required to provide and/or secure the full non-Federal share for mitigation activities.
3. The Grantee may send a written request to the Grantor for a portion of the total contract amount upon the following conditions:
a) The Grantee will spend the funds requested within a twenty-day period after receipt of the funds from Grantor. Additional funds may be drawn upon request, based on need and the ability to spend within a twenty-day period;
b) The Grantee cannot receive more than 75% of the Federal share of the funds until the plan is completed and submitted to FEMA; and
c) The Grantee cannot receive more than 90% of the Federal share of the funds until the plan is approved by FEMA and adopted by the Grantee.
4. If the Grantee fails to expend or is over-advanced grant funds, the Grantor reserves the right to recapture funds in accordance with the applicable Federal or State laws and requirements.
5. The Grantee shall begin the scope of work within 90 days of the effective date of this Agreement and complete all items of work by the end of the Agreement term, unless otherwise agreed to in a written amendment to this Agreement.
6. The Grantee will comply with all applicable ordinances, codes and standards as pertains to this HMA project and agrees to provide maintenance as appropriate.
7. The Grantee will not enter into cost-plus-percentage-of-cost contracts for completion of this HMA project.
8. Upon project completion and after all eligible funds have been drawn down, IEMA will prepare and deliver to the Grantee a final report detailing the satisfactory completion of all required deliverables and substantiating the payment and match documentation.
9. FEMA, IEMA, the Illinois Auditor General, the Illinois Attorney General or any of their duly authorized representatives reserve the right to review, inspect or audit all contracts, records and documents related to the expenditure of the HMA funds. IEMA reserves the right to disallow any expenditures that are deemed ineligible, unreasonable, or excessive. In the event that questioned costs are ultimately deemed disallowed, as determined by the IEMA, the Grantee shall be responsible for repayment of such costs.
10. The Grantee shall have a single audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 when expending $750,000 or more in federal funds from any source during a fiscal year and shall submit a copy of the single audit report, if applicable, to IEMA within the required time frames.
11. The Grantee will be responsible for timely action in resolving any audit finding or questioned project costs.
12. The Grantee shall return to IEMA all grant funds that are not expended or that are received from IEMA in error. All funds remaining at the expiration of the period of time the funds are available for expenditure or obligation by the Grantee shall be returned to IEMA within 45 days, if applicable. IEMA may recapture those funds in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations. The Grantee’s failure to comply with any one of the terms of this Agreement shall be cause for IEMA to seek recovery of all or part of the grant proceeds.
13. This Agreement may be amended because of changes in state or federal statutes, regulations, or grant award policies; an extension in the grant award term; an increase in the amount of funds granted; or any other provision requiring a modification. Grantor may remove (or reduce) a Specific Condition included in this Exhibit G by providing notice in writing to the Grantee.
All other modifications must be in writing and signed by both parties.
14. The Grantee agrees to maintain good standing in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Eligible Applicants
Government Organizations;
Applicant Eligibility
Communities, including local governments, cities, townships, counties, special district governments, and tribal governments (including federally recognized tribes who choose to apply as subapplicants) are considered subapplicants and must submit subapplications for financial assistance to their state/territory/tribal Applicant agency. Contact information for the State Hazard Mitigation Officers (SHMOs) is provided on the FEMA website at
Beneficiary Eligibility
Types of Assistance
Project Grants
Subject / Service Area
Public Safety
Credentials / Documentation
FEMA publications that specify the documentation and information necessary for FEMA to
review project applications for feasibility and effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and potential
impacts on environmental and cultural resources are available on the FEMA website at
Preapplication Coordination
Application Procedures
Subapplicants should contact their applicant agency for information specific to their
state/territory’s/tribe’s application process. Contact information for the SHMOs is provided on the
FEMA website at
All applicants must submit a BRIC grant application via FEMA GO by the application deadline to be considered for funding. The required format for BRIC applications and subapplications is built into FEMA GO.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
For all activities/projects under all applications, including for the State/Territory Allocation,
Tribal Set-Aside, and national competition, FEMA will review applications and subapplications
submitted by each applicant to ensure:
• Eligibility of the applicant and subapplicant;
• Eligibility of proposed activities and costs;
• Completeness of the subapplication;
• Cost-effectiveness and engineering feasibility of mitigation projects;
• Eligibility and availability of the non-federal cost share; and
• Alignment with approved State Mitigation Plan and Local and/or Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan for mitigation projects.
Subapplications submitted to the national competition that pass the eligibility and completeness
programmatic review will be scored with technical evaluation criteria and may be scored with
qualitative evaluation criteria, if applicable.
If needed, based on the number of subapplications submitted to the BRIC program, FEMA will use the technical evaluation criteria scoring as a program priority screening tool for the qualitative evaluation review. FEMA will send subapplications valued at twice the amount of available funding to the BRIC qualitative evaluation panel. At least one eligible subapplication from each applicant will be sent to the qualitative evaluation panel for review.
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
An eligible applicant, subapplicant, recipient, or subrecipient may request an appeal of either of the following types of actions: (1) FEMA’s denial of its application or subapplication for
mitigation projects for which there is an indication of a substantive technical or procedural error; (2) A remedy FEMA has taken for noncompliance with federal statutes, regulations, or the terms and conditions of the award that results in suspension or termination of all or part of the award.
The appeal must be submitted according to the following procedures:
• The applicant or recipient must submit an appeal in writing to FEMA within 60 days after receipt of a notice of the action that is being appealed. The subapplicant or subrecipient must submit its appeal in writing to the applicant or recipient, after which the applicant or recipient must review and evaluate the subapplicant’s or subrecipient’s appeal before submission to FEMA.
• For denials of applications or subapplications for mitigation projects, the appeal must identify any substantive technical or procedural error committed by FEMA, and FEMA will only consider the information provided in the application or subapplication as supporting documentation.
• For remedies FEMA has taken for noncompliance, the appeal must contain documented justification supporting the appellant’s position, specify the monetary figure in dispute, and identify the provisions in federal law, regulation, or policy with which the appellant believes the initial action was inconsistent.
The applicant, subapplicant, recipient, or subrecipient will be notified in writing of the disposition of the appeal or the need for additional information. All appeal decisions are final.
Uses and Restrictions
The Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program makes funding available to local governments and state governments to implement cost-effective hazard mitigation activities that complement a comprehensive mitigation program.
Maintain the grant records for at least three years from the date of the final FFR. The record retention period may be longer, such as due to an audit or litigation, for equipment or real property used beyond the period of performance, or due to other circumstances outlined in 2 C.F.R. § 200.334.
FEMA grant recipients are subject to audit oversight from multiple entities including the DHS OIG, the GAO, the pass-through entity, or independent auditing firms for single audits, and may cover activities and costs incurred under the award. Auditing agencies such as the DHS OIG, the GAO, and the pass-through entity (if applicable), and FEMA in its oversight capacity, must have access to records pertaining to the FEMA award. Recipients and subrecipients must retain award documents for at least three years from the date the final FFR is submitted, and even longer in many cases subject to the requirements of 2 C.F.R. § 200.334. In the case of administrative closeout, documents must be retained for at least three years from the date of closeout, or longer subject to the requirements of 2 C.F.R. § 200.334. If documents are retained longer than the required retention period, the DHS OIG, the GAO, and the pass-through entity, as well as FEMA in its oversight capacity, have the right to access these records as well. See 2 C.F.R. §§ 200.334, 200.337.
Record Retention
a. Record Retention Period
Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other non-federal entity
records pertinent to a federal award generally must be maintained for at least three years
from the date the final FFR is submitted. See 2 C.F.R. § 200.334. Further, if the recipient does
not submit a final FFR and the award is administratively closed, FEMA uses the date of
administrative closeout as the start of the general record retention period.
The record retention period may be longer than three years or have a different start date
in certain cases. These include:
• Records for real property and equipment acquired with federal funds must be retained for three
years after final disposition of the property. See 2 C.F.R. § 200.334(c).
• If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the three-year period,
the records must be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records
have been resolved and final action taken. See 2 C.F.R. § 200.334(a).
• The record retention period will be extended if the recipient is notified in writing of the
extension by FEMA, the cognizant or oversight agency for audit, or the cognizant agency for
indirect costs. See 2 C.F.R. § 200.334(b).
• Where FEMA requires recipients to report program income after the period of
performance ends, the program income record retention period begins at the end of the recipient’s
fiscal year in which program income is earned. See 2 C.F.R. § 200.334(e).
• For indirect cost rate proposals, cost allocation plans, or other rate computations records, the
start of the record retention period depends on whether the indirect cost rate documents were
submitted for negotiation. If the indirect cost rate documents were submitted for negotiation, the record retention period begins from the date those documents
were submitted for negotiation. If indirect cost rate documents were not submitted for negotiation,
the record retention period begins at the end of the recipient’s fiscal year or other accounting
period covered by that indirect cost rate. See 2 C.F.R. § 200.334(f).
b. Types of Records to Retain
FEMA requires that non-federal entities maintain the following documentation for federally funded
• Specifications
• Solicitations
• Competitive quotes or proposals
• Basis for selection decisions
• Purchase orders
• Contracts
• Invoices
• Cancelled checks
Non-federal entities should keep detailed records of all transactions involving the grant. FEMA may
at any time request copies of any relevant documentation and records, including purchasing
documentation along with copies of cancelled checks for verification. See, e.g., 2
C.F.R. §§ 200.318(i), 200.334, 200.337.
In order for any cost to be allowable, it must be adequately documented per 2 C.F.R. § 200.403(g).
Non-federal entities who fail to fully document all purchases may find their expenditures questioned and subsequently disallowed.
Account Identification
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Program Accomplishments
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Indirect Costs restrictions and limitations:
May receive up to 5% of the total project costs for management costs.
Regional or Local Assistance Location
FEMA Regional Offices manage, administer, and conduct the application budget review,
create the award package, approve, amend, and close out awards, as well as conduct cash analysis, financial and programmatic monitoring, and audit resolution for BRIC. The Regions also provide technical assistance to BRIC recipients.
FEMA Regional Office contact information is available at
Headquarters Office
Office of the Associate Director for Mitigation
500 C Street
Washington, DC, 20472
Program Website
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2015 : $205,023
FY 2016 : $394,804
FY 2017 : $400,000
FY 2018 : $3,436,740
FY 2019 : $11,849,955
FY 2020 : $521,758
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
| Agency ID | Award Range | Application Range |
Agency ID | Grantee Name | Start Date | End Date | Amount |
| Village of Villa Park | 09/22/2020 | 09/22/2025 | 4,000,000 |
| City of Ottawa | 09/22/2020 | 09/22/2025 | 3,428,239 |
| CITY OF FREEPORT | 09/22/2020 | 09/22/2025 | 3,395,568 |
| Village of Arlington Heights | 09/20/2022 | 09/20/2025 | 600,000 |
| City of East St. Louis | 09/15/2023 | 09/14/2026 | 500,000 |