Small Fire-fighting and Ambulance Service Equipment Grant Program
CSFA Number: 592-01-0504
Agency Name
Office Of The State Fire Marshal (592)
Agency Contact
Ronny Wickenhauser
Short Description
Provides up to $26,000 for the purchase of small fire fighting and ambulance equipment
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
State Fire Marshal Act (20 ILCS 2905/2.7)
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
41 Ill. Admin. Code 291
To award grants to fire departments and not-for-profit ambulance services that have either few or no resources to purchase equipment
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
Eligible Applicants
Government Organizations;
Applicant Eligibility
Fire departments, fire protection districts and not-for-profit ambulance services are eligible to apply. Fire department applicants must have participated in the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) for a minimum of two years prior to the application for the small equipment grant, except that fire departments that were issued a Fire Department Identification Number by the Office less than two years prior to the application are eligible to apply for a small equipment grant if they have participated in NFIRS since the date their FDID was issued by the Office.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Types of Assistance
Direct Payments for Specific Use
Subject / Service Area
Public Safety
Credentials / Documentation
Preapplication Coordination
Subject to the availability of funding, the Office of the State Fire Marshal will make grant applications available for the program. Applications are assessed by a review committee by blind review, meaning the committee does not see the name, address or any specific information that identifies the applicant. The committee reviews and ranks the applications based on assessment of need and information provided in the grant application.
Application Procedures
Applicants must fill out an application form provided by the agency.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
Award Procedures
Applications are reviewed by the Small Equipment Grant Review Committee. Application review is done utilizing a blind review process. Applications are ranked based on demonstrated need. Applications are funded based on the rankings and available appropriations
Application deadlines are set upon release of the grant application.
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
Applicants have 30 days in which to request reconsideration of the denial of their application. The Request for Reconsideration of a denial of a requested grant may be accompanied by supporting documents and information not previously considered by the Committee. The Committee shall review the Request for Reconsideration. A denial of the Request for Reconsideration shall be final.
Formula Matching Requirements
Uses and Restrictions
Up to $26,000 may be awarded per grantee. Funds may be used for the purchase of "small equipment," which means small tools and equipment that are stored or carried on fire protection vehicles that respond to emergency incidents, such as extrication tools, hose and/or appliances, overhaul tools, forcible entry tools, communications equipment, self-contained breathing apparatus, portable generators, and portable foam equipment. Small equipment shall also mean equipment used by firefighters, such as personal protective equipment, pagers, PASS devices, or equipment used in the station for emergency purposes, such as foam storage devices or portable foam equipment stored in the station for use in a large scale emergency. Grant proceeds shall be used exclusively for the purposes listed in Section 291.20 (see Illinois Administrative Code, Title 41, Part 291) and shall be expended in accordance with this Part and the grant agreement.
Grant recipients must submit to the Office of the State Fire Marshal a report detailing how the grant proceeds were used. This expenditure report, to be submitted on a form supplied by the agency, is due not later than nine months following receipt of the grant. Grantees must return any unexpended funds in accordance with the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act (see 30 ILCS 705). The grantee is responsible for monitoring possession, use, condition and final disposition of the items purchased with grant funds.
The grantee must maintain, for a minimum of three years after the completion of the agreement, adequate books, records, and supporting documents to verify the amounts, recipients, and uses of all disbursements of funds passing in conjunction with the agreement. The agreement and all books, records, or papers related to the program, project, or use for which grant funds were provided and supporting document related to the agreement shall be available for review and audit by the Office, Auditor General, Attorney General, and Inspector General. The grantee must cooperate fully with any audit and to provide full access to all relevant materials. Failure to maintain the books, records, and supporting documents required by this section shall establish a presumption in favor of the State for the recovery of any funds paid by the State under the agreement for which adequate books, records, and supporting documentation are not available to support their purported disbursement.
Account Identification
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
$1 to $26,000
Program Accomplishments
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Regional or Local Assistance Location
Headquarters Office
Program Website
Example Projects
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2015 : $1,000,000
FY 2018 : $2,200,000
FY 2020 : $3,500,000
FY 2021 : $3,500,000
FY 2022 : $2,500,000
FY 2023 : $1,500,000
FY 2024 : $4,000,000
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range