Illinois Public Radio and Television
CSFA Number: 503-00-0892
Agency Name
Illinois Arts Council (503)
Agency Identification
Illinois Arts Council
Agency Contact
Sandra Velazquez
Short Description
IAC grant funds enable the people of Illinois to have access to locally operated Public Radio and Television stations that provide unique services to their communities, including local productions, arts programming, educational outreach and local and regional news.
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
30 ILCS 745 Public Act 92-0008
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
30 ILCS 745 (Short title. This Act may be cited as the Public Radio and Television Grant Act.)
Enable the people of Illinois to have access to locally operated public radio and television stations that provide unique services to their communities.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
Grantee must complete and submit two signed copies of the attached 'Preliminary Certification of Grant Request' form. Grantee must credit the Arts Council on all public notices, publicity, printed programs, public media and other applicable material. The following language shall be used in such notices: "This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a sate agency."
Eligible Applicants
Applicant Eligibility
Public Radio & Television Stations - a public radio or television station in full-time operation which the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has determined has met its minimum grant criteria (see Appendices A and B of this Part) or eligibility to participate in the grant process before applying for a grant under the Act. Appendix A Corporation for Public Broadcasting Qualification Criteria for Radio Community Service Grants a) Licensing and Power: The station must be designated by the Federal Communications commission as a noncommercial, educational radio station. The station must have transmitter power sufficient to provide primary signal coverage in the community of license. b) Management and Staff: The following conditions must be satisfied: 1) A minimum of five full-time professional radio station staff must be employed on an annual (12 month) basis. At least three full-time staff members should be employed in managerial or programming positions. Minimum staff cannot be paid with Community Service Grant funds. 2) Full-time, professional, radio station staff includes permanent personnel with demonstrated skill and expertise in the management, programming, production, promotion, development, or engineering areas of radio station operation, paid no less than the minimum federal hourly wage plus regular health benefits, whose terms of employment require the exercise of full-time duties in one or more of these areas. The term “full-time” will be understood to be the number of hours that constitute the normal acceptable work week at each institution or station. SCO-440-1 Page 3 3) Custodial and clerical staff, students whose student status is a condition of employment, interns and trainees, do not meet the definition of this criterion, nor do personnel teaching or holding academic duties in excess of the equivalent of one three-hour credit course per quarter or semester. 4) Persons employed on a non-permanent basis, such as on a public service employment training grant, cannot be considered full-time professional radio station staff to meet this criterion. c) Facilities: A station must have sufficient, professionally equipped on-air and production facilities to allow for broadcast of programming of high technical quality including the capability for simultaneous local production and origination. In addition, sufficient office space must be provided. d) Broadcast Operations: The station’s minimum operational schedule must be 18 consecutive hours per day, 365 days per year. However, AM stations which are restricted by the terms of their licenses to less than the minimum broadcast schedule required by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) policy will be eligible for assistance if all other criteria are met. e) Programming: The following conditions must be satisfied: 1) The station’s daily broadcast schedule must be devoted primarily to general audience programming of good quality which serves demonstrated community needs of an educational, informational, and cultural nature, within its primary signal area. 2) A program schedule designed to further the principles of religious philosophies does not meet the definition of this criterion. 3) A program schedule designed primarily for in-school or professional in-service audiences does not meet the definition of this criterion. 4) Stations licensed to political organizations do not meet the definition of this criterion. 5) Radio applicants in areas already served by a CPB qualified radio station must propose a substantially different program service from the existing CPB qualified station(s) in the area and clearly identify the varying needs and interests of the audience to be served. For the purposes of this criterion, counter-scheduling programs already available from a CPB qualified station in the market does not, by itself, constitute a substantially different service. 6) The station must originate a significant, locally produced program service designed to serve its community of license. f) Non-Federal Income: Each grantee must have a minimum non-federal annual income of $150,000. Section 280. Appendix B Corporation for Public Broadcasting Qualification Criteria for Television Community Service Grants a) Management: Each grantee must have a staff headed by a manager or other chief executive officer who: 1) has the responsibility and authority to determine when and what material shall be broadcast over the station; and 2) has the responsibility and authority to administer disbursements under a budget authorized by the governing board of the licensee. SCO-440-1 page 4 b) Staff: The following conditions must be satisfied: 1) Each grantee must have no less than ten staff, which includes five full-time staff with regular health benefits, one of which is the manager or chief executive officer, and the equivalent of five additional full-time personnel, paid no less than the minimum federal hourly wage. The term “full-time” will be understood to be the number of hours that constitute the normal acceptable work week at each institution or station. Likewise, each “equivalent full-time” position will mean equal to the number of hours for a normal work week at each station. 2) Minimum staff cannot be paid with Community Service Grant funds. 3) Persons employed on a non-permanent basis, such as on a public service employment training program grant or a CPB training grant, cannot be considered full-time professional television station staff to meet this criteria. 4) Personnel used to meet the five full-time staff requirement may not teach or hold academic duties in excess of the equivalent of one three credit hour course per quarter or semester. c) Joint or Dual Licensee: When more than one grantee is operated by one licensee, each such grantee in addition to the above, must be headed by a manager or other chief executive officer who reports directly to the governing board of the licensee; or in the case of university licensees, each general manager should report on an equal basis to the next level of governing superiors. d) Non-Federal Income: Each grantee must have a minimum non-federal annual income of $300,000. e) Studio/Production Facilities: Each grantee must have studio and production facilities and regularly produce and broadcast locally originated programming. f) Broadcast Operations: Each grantee must: 1) during the first full year of on-air operation commencing immediately following issuance of Program Test Authority, broadcast on a minimum schedule of six days per week, fifty-two weeks per year, for a total of at least 2,500 hours or 48 hours a week and 2) for all stations during the second such full year of operation and in all succeeding years, broadcast on a schedule of seven days per week, fifty-two weeks per year, for a total of at least 3,000 hours or 57 hours a week. g) Programming: The following conditions must be satisfied: 1) The station’s daily broadcast schedule must be devoted primarily to programming of good quality which serves demonstrated community needs of an educational, informational and cultural nature, within its primary signal area. 2) A program schedule designed to further the principles of religious philosophies does not meet the definition of this criterion. 3) Stations licensed to political organizations do not meet the definition of this criterion. 4) CPB will provide Community Service Grant assistance to all eligible television stations that meet current criteria regardless of overlapping broadcast signals. However a grantee seeking qualification in a market where a CPB-qualified television station already exists must demonstrate the intention to provide a substantially different program service or a new service to a substantial number of underserved homes. For the purpose of this criterion, counter-scheduling programs already available from a CPB-qualified station in the market does not, by itself, constitute a substantially different service.
Beneficiary Eligibility
State of Illinois residents
Types of Assistance
Formula Grants
Subject / Service Area
Quality of Natural, Cultural, and Environmental Resources
Credentials / Documentation
GATA Registration
Preapplication Coordination
(30 ILCS 745/2) (from Ch. 127, par. 1552) Sec. 2. Certification process. Each eligible station shall certify to the Illinois Arts Council, in such form and at such time as the Council shall require, its actual operating cost for the prior fiscal year. Upon acceptance by the Illinois Arts Council, such certification shall constitute the basis for grants provided under this Act. (Source: P.A. 91-25, eff. 6-9-99.)
Application Procedures
As per the application guidelines
Criteria Selecting Proposals
non-commercial public radio or television broadcasting station licensed as such by the Federal Communications Commission, which operates from a community location in the State of Illinois, and meets the minimum criteria for receipt of Community Service grants set by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Award Procedures
Based on operating expenses
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
Formula Matching Requirements
(30 ILCS 745/3) (from Ch. 127, par. 1553) Sec. 3. Allocation of Funds. Funds appropriated for the purpose of making grants to stations under this Act shall be divided into 2 grant pools, with 75% of such appropriated funds constituting a grant pool for public television stations and 25% of such appropriated funds constituting a grant pool for public radio stations. (Source: P.A. 84-1040.) (30 ILCS 745/4) (from Ch. 127, par. 1554) Sec. 4. Basic Grants. Each eligible station shall receive an annual basic service grant in an amount equal to 30% of the grant pool for which it is eligible divided by the number of eligible stations. (Source: P.A. 84-1040.) (30 ILCS 745/5) (from Ch. 127, par. 1555) Sec. 5. Operating Grants. Each eligible station shall receive an annual operating support grant amounting to a pro-rata share of 70% of the grant pool for which it is eligible. This share shall bear the same ratio to 70% of the grant pool from which it came as the station's actual operating cost bore in the previous fiscal year to the aggregate of such actual operating cost for all eligible stations for that year. (Source: P.A. 84-1040.)
Uses and Restrictions
The use of grant funds by an Illinois Public Broadcasting Station is not restricted to a specific purpose. The station, however must comply with the statutory provisions which require that the funds received from the State of Illinois do not supplant or cause to be reduced any other sources of funding for the station. The funds are to be used solely for the benefit of a public broadcasting station and are not for general institutional overhead or parent organization expenses. Generally, the funds should be used for the cost of operating and maintaining a public broadcasting station. Funds cannot be used for long-term investments or purchases of real property such as land or buildings or related depreciation expenses. Operating cost cannot include the costs of acquiring real property, depreciation on real property, production costs underwritten by public broadcasting entities, costs attributable to instructional activities of the educational institution, whether on closed circuit or not, costs of operating a commercial (profit-making) business enterprise, including a for-profit subsidiary, and all in-kind expenses related to the above.
Grantee is required to complete and submit a final report no later 30 days after the end date of the grant period. This report will focus on the activities outlined in the original application. Grantees are required to provide financial, statistical, and narrative information.  In addition grantees will be required to submit examples of published materials verifying activities and compliance with the IAC funding acknowledgement requirement. Grant amounts of $25,000 or greater are required to submit quarterly reports within thirty days after the end of each quarter, which describe the progress of the program, project or use and the expenditure of the grant funds. The public broadcasting station must provide the Illinois Arts Council with reasonable access to the station's accounting records. The station must maintain separate accounting records for the use of grant fund proceeds. The station must not commingle those grant funds with other sources of revenue. A separate account and separate records will insure quick and accurate reporting and will leave an audit trail for review of the use of grant proceeds as needed.
compliance with GATA
Account Identification
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Program Accomplishments
the station has been in full-time operation, broadcasting on a schedule of seven days per week, fifty-two weeks per year for a total of at least 3000 hours or 57 hours a week (for television stations), and 18 consecutive hours per day, 365 days per year (for radio stations), during the station’s prior fiscal year.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Enabling Legislation for the Illinois Public Broadcasting Stations Public Act 92-0008 AN ACT to provide for State grants to certain public radio and television stations in the State of Illinois and for related purposes. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois represented in the General Assembly. Section 1 Definitions - As used in this Act, unless the context otherwise requires: “Illinois public radio station” or “radio station” means a non-commercial public radio broadcasting station licensed as such by the Federal Communications Commission, or authorized under a program test authority by the Federal Communications Commission, which operates from a community located in this State, and meets the minimum criteria for receipt of Community Service Grants set by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; and “Illinois public television station” or “television station” means a non-commercial public television broadcasting station licensed as such by the Federal Communications Commission or authorized under a program test authority by the Federal Communications Commissions, which operates from a community located in this State, and meets the minimum criteria for receipt of Community Service Grants set by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. “Eligible station” means a public radio or television station as defined herein above which had been in full-time operation and has met the minimum grant criteria of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting before applying for a grant under this Act. In the event the Corporation for Public Broadcasting should cease to exist, or its Community Service Grant program should terminate, or the eligibility criteria for grants under the Community Service Grant program shall be lowered, then the criteria for eligibility for such grants which were extant on the effective date of this Act shall prevail for purposes of this Act. “Station” unless otherwise qualified, means any eligible radio or television station. “Actual operating cost” means the total sum expended for the operations and maintenance of an Illinois public radio or television station. Section 2 Certification Process Each eligible station shall certify to the Illinois Arts Council, in such form and at such time as the Council shall require its actual operating cost for the prior fiscal year. Upon acceptance by the Illinois Arts Council Agency, such certification shall constitute the basis for grants provided under this Act. Section 3 Allocation of Funds Funds appropriated for the purpose of making grants to stations under this Act shall be divided into 2 grant pools, with 75% of such appropriated funds constituting a grant pool for public television stations and 25% of such appropriated funds constituting a grant pool for public radio stations. Section 4 Basic Grants Each eligible station shall receive an annual basic service grant in an amount equal to 30% of the grant pool for which it is eligible divided by the number of eligible stations. SCO-440-2 Page 1 Section 5 Operating Grants Each eligible station shall receive an annual operating support grant amounting to a pro-rata share of 70% of the grant pool for which it is eligible. This share shall bear the same ratio to 70% of the grant pool from which it came as the station’s actual operating cost bore in the previous fiscal year to the aggregate of such actual operating cost for all eligible stations for that year. Section 6 Grant Limitations Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no station shall in any year be allocated funds under this Act in excess of one-half of its actual operating cost for the prior fiscal year. Those funds not obligated by virtue of this limitation shall be distributed to the remaining stations in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 of this Act. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no station shall be allocated more than 60% of all funds in its grant pool. Those funds not obligated by virtue of this limitation shall be distributed to the remaining eligible stations in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 of this Act. Section 7 Required Assurances Each eligible station and its station licensee shall certify to the Illinois Arts Council when applying for grant funds under this Act that any funds received pursuant to the provisions of this Act shall not supplant or cause to be reduced any other sources of funding for such stations, and will be used solely for the benefit of a public broadcasting station and not for general institutional overhead or parent organization expenses. Section 8 Illinois Public Broadcasting Council There is hereby created a public corporation to be called the Illinois Public Broadcasting Council whose directors shall consist of one representative of each station eligible to receive grants under this Act. This Corporation shall function under such bylaws as shall be written by its initial directors and amended from time to time, provided, however, that such bylaws shall be in conformity with the applicable laws of the State of Illinois. Section 9 Powers and Duties The Illinois Public Broadcasting Council shall have power to accept grants or appropriations from the Federal government or the State, or any agency or instrumentality thereof to be used for the purchase of equipment for the exclusive use by the members of the Illinois Public Broadcasting Council as its Directors shall determine, and for the production and distribution of programming to the people of the State of Illinois as its Directors shall determine. Nothing in this Act shall preclude the Illinois Public Broadcasting Council from utilizing such equipment for the generation of revenue for the support of Illinois public broadcasting activities, nor shall the Illinois Public Broadcasting Council be precluded from raising funds from other sources for the support of its activities. Section 10 “An Act to provide for State grants to certain public television stations”, approved August 24, 1979, is repealed. Section 11 This Act takes effect upon becoming a law.
Regional or Local Assistance Location
Public Radio and Television Grants Illinois Arts Council Attention: Sandra Velazquez 115 S LaSalle St., Ste 2202 Chicago, IL 60603-3804
Headquarters Office
Public Radio and Television Grants Illinois Arts Council Attention: Sandra Velazquez 115 S LaSalle St., Ste 2202 Chicago, IL 60603-3804
Program Website
Example Projects
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2020 : $1,507,100
FY 2021 : $1,507,100
FY 2022 : $1,507,100
FY 2023 : $1,507,100
FY 2024 : $1,657,800
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range
DetailsPRTV Operating Grant FY20$6000 - $600000General announcement open for a period of time with no specific due dates for applications.
DetailsPRTV Basic Grant$9000 - $43000General announcement open for a period of time with no specific due dates for applications.
DetailsPRTV Operating Grant$3765 - $532570General announcement open for a period of time with no specific due dates for applications.
DetailsPRTV Basic Grant$9000 - $43000General announcement open for a period of time with no specific due dates for applications.
DetailsPRTV Basic Grant$9000 - $43000General announcement open for a period of time with no specific due dates for applications.
DetailsPRTV Operating Grant$3000 - $550000General announcement open for a period of time with no specific due dates for applications.
DetailsPRTV Basic Grant$9000 - $43000General announcement open for a period of time with no specific due dates for applications.
DetailsPRTV Basic & Operating Grants$3000 - $60000002/01/2024 - 08/31/2024 : 5:00 PM