Tourism Attraction Grant Program
CSFA Number: 420-25-2168
Agency Name
Department Of Commerce And Economic Opportunity (420)
Agency Identification
Agency Contact
Greg Mihalich
Short Description
Tourism Attraction funding is for the development or improvement of tourism attractions in Illinois.
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
20 ILCS 665/8a
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
14 IL 510.2
Increased visitation; new visitation; enhanced length of stay at the destination; and, increase in overnight stays.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
Program-Specific Terms and requirements are included in the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for this grant opportunity.
Eligible Applicants
Government Organizations; For-Profit Organizations; Nonprofit Organizations; Other;
Applicant Eligibility
Counties, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, local promotion groups and for-profit businesses.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Counties, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, local promotion groups and for-profit businesses.
Types of Assistance
Project Grants
Subject / Service Area
Economic Development
Credentials / Documentation
Approved ICQ & PRAQ. Documentation verifying the applicant is an Illinois not-for-profit or for profit entity in good standing on the date of application with applicable State authorities, including, but not limited to, the Illinois Secretary of State, Illinois Department of Revenue, Illinois Department of Labor, the Office of the Illinois Attorney General, or, if a unit of local government, a statement/resolution signed by the head of the unit of local government that the bureau represents;
Preapplication Coordination
Competitive grant. Applications are due by deadline identified. All applications received by the deadline will be scored by an internal review committee; and, grants are awarded to the highest scorers until funding is exhausted. Finalists will be notified via a Notice of State Award.
Application Procedures
Pre-award requirements must be met. A standard application package must be submitted and reviewed by the Department. Each package should contain the following items: 1. Uniform Grant Application in fillable PDF format. (print, sign and scan signature page with submission) 2. Uniform Capital Budget utilizing the template provided by DCEO for this project. The entire budget with all worksheets included even if the worksheets are not relevant to the grant opportunity must be submitted with the application materials. (print, sign and scan signature page with submission) 3. Conflict of Interest Disclosure 4. Mandatory Disclosures 5. Program Specific Application/Narrative 6. Advance Budget Form" Grant proposals will be reviewed on a competitive basis. Each application will be scored on a 100-point scale; with a minimum of 60 points required to be considered for funding. The Department shall consider the following criteria when evaluating the application submittal: Capacity, Quality and Need. The Department’s internal review committee shall conduct an evaluation of each application.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
Geographic dispersion and diversity factors may be used as well as merit criteria in selecting applications for awards.
Award Procedures
Merit based review. Funds disbursed based variable advance and/or need
Deadlines determined based on the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
30-90 Business Days
The Merit Based Review process is subject to appeal. However, competitive grant appeals are limited to the evaluation process. Evaluation scores may not be protested. Only the evaluation process is subject to appeal. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Department within 14 calendar days after the date that the grant award notice has been published. The written appeal shall include the name and address of the appealing party, the identification of the grant and a statement of reasons for the appeal. To file an appeal, applicants must submit the appeal in writing and in accordance with the Merit-Based Application Review Appeals Process listed on the Grant Opportunities page of the DCEO website:
Formula Matching Requirements
Section 510.250 Matching Funds a) The Grantee shall provide Matching Funds to the Total Project Cost that: 1) Are identified in the budget of the Grant Agreement; 2) In no case shall be less than 50 percent of the Total Project Cost if the Grantee is a unit of local government, not-for-profit organization or Local Promotion Group; 3) In no case shall be less than 75 percent of the Total Project Cost if the Grantee is a for- profit business; 4) Are not funds from other Department funded grant programs or funds used to match any other grants; and 5) Are necessary and irrevocably obligated to the Project. b) Allowable match includes: 1) Term loan proceeds, bond sale proceeds, or other forms of financial institution participation; 2) Other public grant or loan program funds; 3) Retained earnings, proceeds of a public stock offering, or other cash equity, excluding pre- project officer notes payable, off-balance sheet debt financing and goodwill; 4) Local hotel/motel tax, membership dues, or other cash contributions; and 5) In Kind Contributions necessary to complete the Project and for which the cash value is easily documented (i.e., donated labor, equipment, supplies and materials), and that are eligible grant and match line-item expenditures identified in the budget of the Grant Agreement. In Kind Contributions may only be used as allowable match by municipalities, counties, not-for-profit organizations, or Local Promotion Group and cannot exceed 25 percent of the match requirement. c) Unallowable match includes: 1) Costs incurred or funds expended prior to the date of the grant or loan award, unless those costs are approved by the Department as being otherwise compliant with the provisions of this Part and consistent with the purposes of the Act; 2) Funds from other Department funded grant programs (although they may be used to further the Project); 3) Existing equipment, buildings, furnishings, or inventory, already owned; 4) Lines of credit; 5) Contract for deed without a due and payable clause or that is an apparent substitution for simple rent; 6) Post-Project costs such as normal operational expenses; 7) Debt refinancing; and 8) In Kind Contributions, if the Grantee is a for-profit business. (Source: Amended at 32 Ill. Reg. 13443, effective July 29, 2008)
Uses and Restrictions
For the development or improvement of tourism attractions in Illinois. Match requirement. No indirect costs allowed. Grant does not allow reimbursement of pre-award costs.
Quarterly reporting using PPR and PFR
Account Identification
324-42025-4400-0022 ($566,252.51) 324-42025-4900-0223 ($21,371.40) 324-42025-4900-0024 ($532,397.40) 763-42025-4400-0200 ($367,500) 763-42025-4400-0524 ($221,287.69)
CFY ($1,708,809) PFY ($10,800,000) FY23 ($0), FY22 ($0)
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
$15,000 - $200,000
Program Accomplishments
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Refer to Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
Regional or Local Assistance Location
Headquarters Office
500 East Monroe Springfield, IL 62701 and 555 W Monroe St, 12th Floor Chicago, IL 60661
Program Website
Example Projects
Development or enhancement of an Illinois tourism attraction
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2019 : $1,400,000
FY 2020 : $1,400,000
FY 2023 : $1
FY 2024 : $10,800,000
FY 2025 : $1,708,809
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range
Agency IDGrantee NameStart DateEnd DateAmount
24-335002Navy Pier, Inc.01/01/202406/30/2025450,000
24-335008Lyric Opera of Chicago01/01/202406/30/2025450,000
24-335011Chicago Zoological Society01/01/202406/30/2025450,000
24-335017LAKEHOUSE RESORT AND EVENT CTR07/01/202406/30/2025450,000
24-335019Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois, Inc.07/01/202406/30/2025450,000