Planning Phase: Increasing School Health Centers
CSFA Number: 482-00-2779
Agency Name
Department Of Public Health (482)
Agency Identification
IDPH: Office of Women's Health
Agency Contact
Cassidy Chambers
Short Description
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) administers the School Health Program which monitors the certified school health centers operating in Illinois for compliance with Title 77, Chapter I, Subchapter i, Part 641 School-Based/Linked Health Centers. School base health centers (SHCs) improve the overall physical and emotional health of school age children and youth by promoting healthy lifestyles and by providing accessible preventive health care. Through early detection and treatment of chronic and acute health problems, identification of risk-taking behaviors and appropriate anticipatory guidance, treatment and referral, SHCs assure students are healthy and ready to learn. The goal of this opportunity is to increase the number of certified, operational school health centers across Illinois. More specifically, this grant is designed to provide interested agencies a mechanism to gage the interest of the community for establishing a local school health center, and to research and obtain all necessary project planning components
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
State of Illinois under 77 Ill. Adm. Code 641
Applicants will develop a plan that will meet the following objectives: • Enhance early identification of child and adolescent risk behaviors and provision of necessary anticipatory guidance, treatment, or referral. • Reduce morbidity related to sexually transmitted infections. • Increase percentage of clinic users who are fully immunized. • Increase awareness, knowledge, competency and alignment in suicide prevention, assessment, and treatment for school and school health center personnel. • Promote optimal health outcomes, safety, and skill development for the future in regular clinic users through purposeful, planned movement (transition) from child-centered health care to adult-oriented health care.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
Activities the Planning Phase: Increasing School Health Center Grant Program will support and should be discussed in a proposal include: • Conducting focus groups to obtain community interest, opportunities for SHC impact, etc. • Obtaining relevant data • Assessing opportunities • Creating sustainability plans for the SHC • Identifying the resources needed to operate a SHC • Establishing partnerships and collaborating with key stakeholders such as other Title V agencies, Local Health Departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Community-based Organizations, and Faith-based Organizations • Developing policies to: a. Facilitate students’ use of health care systems by providing routine medical care to students as well as establishing links with primary health care providers and specialists. b. Improve of students’ knowledge of preventative health care that will lead improved decision-making about health matters, development of health promoting behaviors and reduction of risk-taking behaviors. c. Provide preventative care, early detection of chronic disorders and treatment of acute health problems. d. Provide initial emergency treatment of injuries and illness with appropriate subsequent referral. e. Detect signs of emotional stress and psycho-social problems for treatment, counseling, or referral. f. Promote comprehensive health care for students of all ages. g. Increase awareness, knowledge, and competency in suicide prevention and assessment as well as treatment for suicide ideation. h. Improve students’ transition from pediatric to adult health care.
Eligible Applicants
Education Organizations; Government Organizations; Nonprofit Organizations; For-Profit Organizations; Small Businesses;
Applicant Eligibility
Eligible applicants are limited to those agencies that are; School Boards, Health departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Community groups with 501-C3 status, Hospitals, and Colleges/Universities. Current or previously certified Illinois school health centers are not eligible for this planning grant. This grant program is competitive, and funding is limited. Awards will be based on scores and available funding. It is important to note that all applicants will not receive an award. Agencies requesting funding must: 1) Demonstrate the need for this program within the community(ies) your organization serves. 2) Describe your program by identifying the following: a. Number of school age children in the district associated with the proposed SHC FY2021 and FY2022. b. Number of potential schools reached with proposed SHC 3) Describe your methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of your planning program. 4) Demonstrate the need for this project within the community (or communities) your organization serves. Explain how this project will benefit the population you serve including how the activities/strategies will address health equity 5) What is your plan for publicizing your proposed project and reaching students/families? How do you plan to get them to actively seek services and schedule appointments? 6) Describe your methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of your planning program. Please describe how you will evaluate each component of your project, 7) Identify any other organization(s) that will partner in the proposed project. Please describe their specific role in the project. 8) Attend Office of Women’s Health & Family Services (OWHFS) program meetings, and quarterly calls.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Types of Assistance
Project Grants
Subject / Service Area
Credentials / Documentation
Current or previously certified Illinois school health centers are NOT eligible for this planning grant
Preapplication Coordination
Application Procedures
The application format is provided via EGrAMS as mandated for all Illinois Department of Public Health Grants. The application MUST be completed in its entirety. This includes submission of all mandatory forms required for all agencies and submission of School Health Program-specific mandatory documents and forms. While some of the sections in the application relate specifically to the grant program of interest, many sections must be completed for all grant programs. Therefore, it might be helpful for your Agency to prepare standard responses for those sections. Please note that “Instructions” boxes appear on screens throughout the EGrAMS online application, and it is suggested that you click on these for additional guidance and tips for completion. You MUST submit all required documents via the Department’s online grant management system. Regardless of the source of funding (federal pass-through or State), all grantees are required to register with the State of Illinois through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) website,, complete a prequalification process, and be determined "qualified" as described in Section 7000.70. Registration and prequalification is required before an organization can apply for an award. The entity is "qualified" to be an awardee if it: 1) has an active UEI number; 2) has an active account; 3) has an acceptable fiscal condition; 4) is in good standing with the Illinois Secretary of State, if the Illinois Secretary of State requires the entity's organization type to be registered. Governmental entities, school districts and select religious organizations are not required to be registered with the Illinois Secretary of State. Refer to the Illinois Secretary of State Business Services website: http://www.; 5) is not on the Illinois Stop Payment List; 6) is not on the Exclusion List; 7) is not on the Sanctioned Party List maintained by HFS.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
Applications will be reviewed and scored by IDPH School Health Program staff for completeness and accuracy as well as the criteria identified below:
Award Procedures
Applications will be reviewed for: • Applicant Organization Information • Applicant Grant History • Grant Project Proposal (Scope of Work) • Work Plan must provide objectives/goals with measurements and expected outcomes. Strategies must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely, Inclusive and Equitable (SMARTIE). • Specific – Make your goals specific and narrow for more effective planning. • Measurable – Define what evidence will prove you’re making progress and reevaluate when necessary • Achievable – Make sure you can reasonably accomplish your goal within a certain timeframe. • Realistic – Your goals should align with your values and long-term objectives. • Timely – Set a realistic end date for task prioritization and motivation. • Inclusive – It includes those most impacted—into processes, activities, and decision/policymaking in a way that shares power. • Equitable – It includes an element of fairness or justice that seeks to address systemic injustice, inequity, or oppression. (Outcomes and measurements MUST align with the stated activities) • Budget Justification • Applicant Certification • W-9 Form 2. The point breakdown for scoring will be as follows: Scope of Work Section- 13 points Work Plan Section- 15 points Health Equity section- 35 points Budget Section- 32 points Miscellaneous Section- 5 points
Planning Phase: Increasing School Health Center Grant-23 Applications must be completed in full and submitted through the Department’s online grant system by the deadline specified in the Notice of Funding Opportunity. Missing any identified submission deadline will result in the denial of your grant application for review and further processing
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
Merit-Based Review Appeal Process For competitive grants, only the evaluation process is subject to appeal. Evaluation scores or funding determinations/outcomes may not be contested and will not be considered by the Department's Appeals Review Officer. To submit an appeal, the appealing party must: o Submit the appeal in writing and in accordance with the grant application document through IDPH's Merit-Based Review Appeal Request Form available in the GATA section of the IDPH website ( o Appeals must be received within 14 calendar days after the date that the grant award notice was published. o Appeals must include the following information: ? The name and address of the appealing party ? Identification of the grant ? A statement of reasons for the appeal ? If applicable, documents or exhibits to support statement of reason The IDPH Appeals Review Officer (ARO) will consider the grant-related appeals and make a recommendation to the appropriate Deputy Director as expeditiously as possible after receiving all relevant, requested information. o The ARO must review the submitted Appeal Request Form for completeness and acknowledge receipt of the appeal within 14 calendar days from the date the appeal was received. o The ARO will utilize an Appeal Review Tool to consider the integrity of the competitive grant process and the impact of the recommendation. o The appealing party must supply any additional information requested by the agency within the time period set in the request. o The ARO shall respond to the appeal within 60 days or supply a written explanation to the appealing party as to why additional time is required. Documentation of the appeal determination shall be sent to the appealing party and must include the following: o Standard description of the appeal review process and criteria o Review of the appeal o Appeal determination o Rationale for the determination In addition to providing the written determination, the grant-making office may do the following: o Document improvements to the evaluation process given the findings and re-review all submitted applications. o Document improvements to the evaluation process given the findings and implement improvements into the following year's grant evaluation process. o Provide written notice to the appealing party as to how the identified actions will be remedied. Appeals resolutions may be deferred pending a judicial or administrative determination when actions concerning the appeal have commenced in a court of administrative body.
No renewals for this award, new application for each grant is needed.
Formula Matching Requirements
Matching funds (cash/in-kind contributions) are not required by the applicant. If your center receives cash/in-kind contributions, these need to be included in the total operating budget reported in EGrAMS and specified in the grant budget summary.
Uses and Restrictions
The Grantee will expend Planning Phase: Increasing School Health Center Grant Funds awarded under this agreement in accordance with the budget approved and on file with the Department. Departmental approval of a budget, including subcontractors or subgrantees, does not constitute written consent for the use of such services. The Grantee will not commingle funds between separate grants or subgrants, even if the grants or subgrants are related or the same population is being served. The Grantee and any approved subgrantees or subcontractors shall not expend any Planning Phase: Increasing School Health Center paid from State of Illinois Funds for promotional items unless the Department’s grant manager has given written permission to do so. Promotional items include, but are not limited to: calendars, pens, buttons, pins, magnets, gift cards, posters, and stationery. State of Illinois Grant Awards will not allow reimbursement of pre-award costs, or administrative costs amounting to more than 10% of the total grant award.
All grantees are required to submit reports on time as required by the Department. Failure to submit required reports in a timely manner will result in holding reimbursements and may affect future funding to the grantee. Reports shall be submitted on the schedule set in the Uniform Grant Agreement to the Department, electronically in the format required by the Department.
Audit requirements per JCAR Title 44 Illinois Administrative Code7000.90 or alternative audit requirements specific to program.
Grantees are required to maintain grant accounting records 3 years after the date they submit the Federal Financial Report (FFR). If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or other action involving the award has been started before the expiration of the 3-year period, the records shall be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular 3-year period, whichever is later.
Account Identification
School Heath GRF 001-48260-1900-0200
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
$No minimum-$50,000.00, average award id $48,012.10 for FY 22
Program Accomplishments
FY 22 was the pilot of the Planning Grant opportunity and increased the overall interest in school health centers. Of the 6 grantees that were awarded for FY22, 4 continued to seek certification. This increases the access to health care for school aged children across Illinois.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) administers the School Health Program which monitors the certified school health centers operating in Illinois for compliance with Title 77, Chapter I, Subchapter i, Part 641 School-Based/Linked Health Centers.
Regional or Local Assistance Location
Headquarters Office
Illinois Department of Public Health 535 W. Jefferson St., 1st Floor Springfield, IL 62761
Program Website
Example Projects
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2022 : $500,000
FY 2023 : $250,000
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range
Agency IDGrantee NameStart DateEnd DateAmount
46380146LPerry County Health Department03/01/202412/31/202450,000
46380147LPromise Healthcare NFP03/01/202412/31/202450,000
46380148LVNA Health Care, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation03/01/202412/31/202450,000