Land and Water Conservation Fund Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program ORLP
CSFA Number: 422-00-3016
Agency Name
Department Of Natural Resources (422)
Agency Contact
Patrick Davis
Short Description
LWCF / ORLP provides new or significantly improved recreation opportunities in economically-disadvantaged communities by providing grants through states to local units of government to fund assistance to local government agencies for acquisition and/or development of land for public parks and open space
Federal Authorization
Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Act, as amended (P.L. 88-578, codified at 54 U.S.C. 2003 et. seq.); Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (P.L. 113-76) and accompanying Explanatory Statement; The Great American Outdoors Act, P.L. 116-152; Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, P.L. 117-103.
Illinois Statue Authorization
20 ILCS 805/805-70 20 ILCS 860/ (Outdoor Recreation Resources Act)
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
17 Ill. Adm. Code 3030
Promote government acquisition/development of lands for public use as parks and open space in economically-disadvantaged communities. Development projects focus on active recreational opportunities such as picnic and playground facilities, outdoor nature interpretive facilities, sports courts and play fields, swimming pools, beaches and bathhouses, campgrounds and fishing piers, winter sports facilities and can include supporting infrastructure such as park roads and paths, parking, utilities and restrooms. Land acquisition projects provide site for active recreational amenities in addition to water frontage, nature study, and natural resource preservation
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
TICLE XXVII AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY 27.1. Authorized Signatory. In processing this Award and related documentation, Grantor will only accept materials signed by the Authorized Signatory of this Agreement, as designated or prescribed herein in paragraph 1.6. Grantor will reject any materials signed or submitted on the Grantee’s behalf by anyone other than the Authorized Signatory. ARTICLE XXVIII ILLINOIS WORKS JOBS ACT 28.1. Illinois Works Jobs Program Act (30 ILCS 559/20-1 et seq.): For grants with an estimated total project cost of $500,000 or more, the grantee will be required to comply with the Illinois Works Apprenticeship Initiative (30 ILCS 559/20-20 to 20-25) and all applicable administrative rules. The “estimated total project cost” is a good faith approximation of the costs of an entire project being paid for in whole or in part by appropriated capital funds to construct a public work. The goal of the Illinois Apprenticeship Initiative is that apprentices will perform either 10% of the total labor hours actually worked in each prevailing wage classification or 10% of the estimated labor hours in each prevailing wage classification, whichever is less. Grantees will be permitted to seek from the Department a waiver or reduction of this goal in certain circumstances pursuant to 30 ILCS 559/20-20(b). The grantee must ensure compliance for the life of the entire project, including during the term of the grant and after the term ends, if applicable, and will be required to report on and certify its compliance. ARTICLE XXIX ADDITIONAL BUDGET PROVISIONS 29.1. Restrictions on Discretionary Line-Item Transfers. The Grantee may transfer funds within budget line items of less and no more than ten percent of the limiting line item without Grantor approval. Any budget line item transfers greater than ten percent must be requested in advance by the Grantee and must be approved by the Grantor, requiring an amendment to the Grant Agreement/Budget. ARTICLE XXX ADDITIONAL TERMINATION, SUSPENSION, BILLING SCHEDULE AND NON-COMPLIANCE PROVISIONS 30.1. Remedies for Non-Compliance. If Grantor suspends or terminates this Agreement pursuant to Article XVI herein, Grantor may also elect any additional remedy allowed by law, including, but not limited to, one or more of the following remedies: (a) Direct the Grantee to refund some or all of the Grant Funds disbursed to it under this Agreement, (b) Direct the Grantee to remit an amount equivalent to the “Net Salvage Value” of all equipment or materials purchased with Grant Funds provided under this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, “Net Salvage Value” is defined as the amount realized, or that the Parties agree is likely to be realized from, the sale of equipment or materials purchased with Grant Funds provided under this Agreement at its current fair market value, less selling expenses; and, (c) Direct the Grantee to transfer ownership of equipment or materials purchased with Grant Funds provided under this Agreement to the Grantor or its designee. 30.2. Grant Refunds. In accordance with the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act, 30 ILCS 705/1 et seq., the Grantee must, within forty-five (45) days of the effective date of a termination of this Agreement, refund to Grantor, any balance of Grant Funds not spent or not obligated as of said date. ARTICLE XXXI ADDITIONAL MODIFICATION PROVISIONS 31.1. Unilateral Modifications. The Parties agree that Grantor may, in its sole discretion, unilaterally modify this Agreement without prior approval of the Grantee when the modification is initiated by Grantor for the sole purpose of increasing the Grantee’s funding allocation as additional funds become available for the Award during the program year covered by the Term of this Agreement. A unilateral modification may also be used to de-obligate funds without prior approval of the Grantee when, a) a project is completed and funds remain that are no longer needed for the grant project, b) to secure unobligated/unspent funds, c) termination of the Grant Agreement. 31.2. Term Extensions. The Grantee acknowledges that all Grant Funds must be expended or legally obligated, and all Grant Activities, Deliverables, Milestones and Performance Measures (Exhibits A, B and E) must be completed during the Grant Term set forth in paragraph 1.4 herein. Extensions of the Award Term will be granted only for good cause, subject to the Grantor’s discretion. Pursuant to the Grant Funds Recovery Act (30 ILCS 705/1 et seq.), no Award may be extended in total beyond a two (2)-year period unless the Grant Funds are expended or legally obligated during that initial two-year period, or unless Grant Funds are disbursed for reimbursement of costs previously incurred by the Grantee. If Grantee requires an extension of the Award Term, Grantee should submit a written request to the Grant Manager at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of the Award Term or extended Award Term, as applicable, stating the reason for the extension. ARTICLE XXXII ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT OR PROPERTY PROVISIONS 32.1. Equipment Management. The Grantee is responsible for replacing or repairing equipment and materials purchased with Grant Funds that are lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed. Any loss, damage or theft of equipment and materials shall be investigated and fully documented, and immediately reported to the Grantor and, where appropriate, the appropriate authorities. 32.2. Grantee will be responsible for the maintenance of any equipment purchased with grant funds. ARTICLE XXXII APPLICABLE STATUTES To the extent applicable, Grantor and Grantee shall comply with the following: 33.1. Grantee Responsibility. All applicable federal, State and local laws, rules and regulations governing the performance required by Grantee shall apply to this Agreement and will be deemed to be included in this Agreement the same as though written herein in full. Grantee is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to those specifically referenced herein. Except where expressly required by applicable laws and regulations, the Grantor shall not be responsible for monitoring Grantee's compliance. 33.2. Land Trust/Beneficial Interest Disclosure Act (765 ILCS 405/2.1). No Grant Funds shall be paid to any trustee of a land trust, or any beneficiary or beneficiaries of a land trust, for any purpose relating to the land, which is the subject of such trust, any interest in such land, improvements to such land or use of such land unless an affidavit is first filed with the Grantor identifying each beneficiary of the land trust by name and address and defining such interest therein. 33.3. Historic Preservation Act (20 ILCS 3420/1 et seq.). The Grantee will not expend Grant Funds under this Agreement which result in the destruction, alteration, renovation, transfer or sale, or utilization of a historic property, structure or structures, or in the introduction of visual, audible or atmospheric elements to a historic property, structure or structures, which will result in the change in the character or use of any historic property, except as approved by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division. The Grantee shall not expend Grant Funds under this Agreement for any project, activity, or program that can result in changes in the character or use of historic property, if any historic property is located in the area of potential effects without the approval of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division. 20 ILCS 3420/3(f). 33.4. Steel Products Procurement Act (30 ILCS 565 et seq.). The Grantee, if applicable, hereby certifies that any steel products used or supplied in accordance with this Award for a public works project shall be manufactured or produced in the United States per the requirements of the Steel Products Procurement Act (30 ILCS 565 et seq.). ARTICLE XXXIV ADDITIONAL MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 34.1. Workers’ Compensation Insurance, Social Security, Retirement and Health Insurance Benefits, and Taxes. The Grantee shall provide Workers’ Compensation insurance where the same is required and shall accept full responsibility for the payment of unemployment insurance, premiums for Workers’ Compensation, Social Security and retirement and health insurance benefits, as well as all income tax deduction and any other taxes or payroll deductions required by law for its employees who are performing services specified by this Agreement. ARTICLE XXXV ADDITIONAL REQUIRED CERTIFICATIONS The Grantee makes the following certifications as a condition of this Agreement. These certifications are required by State statute and are in addition to any certifications required by any Federal funding source as set forth in this Agreement. Grantee’s execution of this Agreement shall serve as its attestation that the certifications made herein are true and correct. 35.1. Compliance With Applicable Law. The Grantee certifies that it shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and local law in the performance of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 35.2. Applicable Taxes. The execution of this Agreement by the Grantee is its certification that (i) it is current as to the filing and payment of any federal, state and/or local taxes applicable to Grantee; and (ii) it is not delinquent in its payment of moneys owed to any federal, state, or local unit of government. 35.3. Lien Waivers. If applicable, the Grantee shall monitor construction to assure that necessary contractor’s affidavits and waivers of mechanics liens are obtained prior to release of Grant Funds to contractors and subcontractors. ARTICLE XXXVI INCORPORATION 36.1. Incorporation into Agreement. The full Uniform Application, Unform Budget, Grant Manual, and attached documents are hereby incorporated into this Agreement and therefore are a part of this Agreement.
Eligible Applicants
Government Organizations;
Applicant Eligibility
In accordance with 54 U.S.C. 200305(a), each state has a lead agency designated by the State’s Governor or by state legislation for the purposes of implementing LWCF in that state, and only the lead agency can be an applicant for an LWCF grant. Therefore, only the state lead agencies are eligible to submit applications for ORLP grants. The lead agency may submit on behalf of themselves or another eligible subrecipient. Eligible sub-recipients (aka project sponsors) include state agencies, local units of government (state political subdivisions such as cities, towns, counties, and special purpose districts such as park districts), and federally-recognized Indian Tribes. For a project to be eligible the sub-recipient must be an incorporated city (or town) of at least 30,000 people. If the subrecipient is a county or special purpose district, the project must be serving a city or town of 30,000 or more people. The park or recreation area must be within, or abutting, the city or town.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Types of Assistance
Project Grants
Subject / Service Area
Quality of Natural, Cultural, and Environmental Resources
Credentials / Documentation
Preapplication Coordination
Application Procedures
Submissions via the State of Illinois Grant Management System - AmpliFund.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
All applications undergo extensive review, including a site visit. After project site visits have been completed, professional staff members score all applications. Projects and scores are then reviewed and approved by IDNR administration. At the completion of this process, announcement of which projects will be recommended to the National Park Service for funding is made.
Award Procedures
Recommended projects will be submitted to the National Park Service during their application cycle. Once NPS has approved the grant, formal award announcement from the IDNR will follow. The timing of this usually occurs in the following spring/summer.
Award cycle dates may vary.
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
Funding decisions may take 3-6 months.
Appeals pursuant to 44 Il Admin Code 7000.350.
Grant applications are for a 2-year period; however it is recommended that the acquisition be completed in one year. Any extensions must be approved by both DNR and NPS.
Formula Matching Requirements
Applications are evaluated and prioritized for funding assistance based upon recreation priorities and criteria identified in the Department's Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). The LWCF program operates on a matching basis of up to 50% of the grant award based on the certified market value of the property being acquired.
Uses and Restrictions
grants are available for projects involving the acquisition of land for public outdoor recreation areas. Applications must be for a single project site and the local applicant must be capable of accomplishing the project in the specified LWCF program time frame.
The grantee is required to submit periodic reports to IDNR every quarter (January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1). The Periodic Performance Report (PPR) describes the progress of the project, and the Periodic Financial Report (PFR) documents expenditure of funds in accordance with the budget line items as detailed in the approved Uniform Budget. The local project sponsor must also provide periodic “Quarterly Progress Status Reports” to the IDNR (January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1) The grantee shall submit a written Final Project Report to the department no later than 60 days following the completion of the Project or the ending date of the grant agreement, whichever is earlier, in accordance with the applicable administrative rules. The final report shall be in the form or format provided by the Department. Lands acquired with LWCF funds are required to be operated and maintained in perpetuity for public outdoor recreation.
Audit requirements per JCAR Title 44 Illinois Administrative Code 7000.90
All financial records on approved projects must be maintained and retained, in accordance with State laws, by the project sponsor for possible State audit after final reimbursement payment is made by the Department.
Account Identification
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Program Accomplishments
Annual Reports for the LWCF program can be provide by request.
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Regional or Local Assistance Location
Headquarters Office
1 Natural Resources Way Springfield, IL 62702
Program Website
Example Projects
grants are available for projects involving the acquisition of land for public outdoor recreation areas. Applications must be for a single project site and the local applicant must be capable of accomplishing the project in the specified LWCF program time frame. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Areas providing frontage on public surface waters or land for creating public water impoundments to promote water-based recreation opportunities. 2. Areas of outstanding natural quality where the objective is to preserve the scenic or natural values, including areas of physical or biological importance such as pristine natural areas, sites protecting threatened or endangered species, flood plains, wetlands, geological features, wildlife habitats, or scenic waters, etc. 3. Areas for general purpose, public outdoor recreational use such as neighborhood and community park areas, play fields and competitive, non-professional sports facilities, as well as public parklands for passive recreation uses. 4. Additions to existing parks, wildlife areas, nature preserves, beaches, and greenways or parkways for public outdoor recreation purposes. 5. Linear greenway corridors and abandoned rights-of-way for outdoor recreation purposes.
Published Date
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range