Illinois Farm to Food Bank Program
CSFA Number: 444-80-3417
Agency Name
Department Of Human Services (444)
Agency Identification
IDHS- Bureau of Basic Support- TEFAP
Agency Contact
Bindi Desai Lessing
(217) 299-2900
Short Description
The purpose of the Illinois Farm to Food Bank Program is to expand resources for food bank systems across the state while supporting local farmers. The program creates mechanisms for acquiring and distributing fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and poultry, dairy, and eggs to organizations providing free food for those in need.
Federal Authorization
Illinois Statue Authorization
305 ILCS 44/10
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
HB2879 General Assembly
The program objectives are: (1) to acquire and distribute agricultural products from Illinois agricultural entities or aggregators to Illinois' emergency food system. (2) to provide grants to improve capacity of the emergency food system to allow for the proper transportation, storage, or distribution of agricultural products to under-served areas. (3) to target fruits, vegetables, meat and poultry, dairy, and eggs produced in Illinois. Foods shall be surplus, seconds, or market-grade quality levels and must be safe for consumption.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
No fees may be assessed on foods from the program to recipient distribution sites or programs; nor to individuals or households. Provides that the program is subject to appropriation and shall dedicate no less than 75% of available funds to acquisition and distribution of food. Food banks that are part of the statewide network for emergency feeding and commodity distribution described in Illinois Administrative Code Title 89, Section 130.300 are eligible to participate. Administering agency and state creates the Farm to Food Bank Advisory Council to provide support to the program through facilitating relationship-building and partnerships between the Illinois agricultural sector and the emergency food system and other matters. Terms subject to 89 Ill. Adm. Code 130: Administration of Social Service Programs
Eligible Applicants
Nonprofit Organizations;
Applicant Eligibility
The Secretary shall engage a not-for-profit entity from Illinois' emergency food system to administer the program. The administering entity shall have statewide reach and represent multiple food banks that source and distribute food to Illinois food pantries and soup kitchens under the same authorities and standards as The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) administered by the Department. The duties of the administering entity shall include, but are not limited to: (1) developing an annual plan outlining anticipated needs, outreach efforts, potential challenges, and any changes that may affect the program from the prior year; (2) issuing an annual report that summarizes the activity from the prior year, including meeting the capacity-building and equity goals of the program; (3) identifying program participants and their food needs; (4) building relationships with Illinois agricultural entities that address those needs, including socially disadvantaged farmers; (5) coordinating the acquisition and distribution of agricultural commodities to food banks; and (6) distributing capacity-building grants. The Administering Entity shall establish additional goals, preferences, and incentives to advance equity, especially racial equity, in the farm industry. Priority should be given to acquiring food from Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers, as defined below. 1) The categories include American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Black/African American, Latine/o/a, Refugee, LGBTQ+, Veteran, Female Business Owner, Greater than 50 miles (or 30 minutes) to the nearest distribution point (farmers market or market opportunity), Qualify for benefits based on income (low socioeconomic status), Person with disabilities, or New farmer/rancher (as defined by USDA is under 10 years). 2) Business is located in one of the following high-vulnerability counties (as determined by CDC's Social Vulnerability Index).
Beneficiary Eligibility
Neighbors that receive food from pantries, soup kitchens, and homeless shelters.
Types of Assistance
Project Grants
Subject / Service Area
Human Services
Credentials / Documentation
Administering Entity per 305 ILCS 44/10
Preapplication Coordination
N/A [Notice Of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Exempt]
Application Procedures
Submit non-competitive application provided by the State. Applicants must submit a completed and signed Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance, a program narrative and a Uniform Budget must be entered into the Community Services Agreement (CSA) Tracking system. Each applicant must have access to the Internet. The Department’s web site will contain information regarding the application and materials necessary for submission. It is the responsibility of each applicant to monitor that web site and comply with any instructions or requirements relating to the continuation application.
Criteria Selecting Proposals
The administering entity will have: *statewide reach *represent multiple food banks that source and distribute food to Illinois food pantries and soup kitchens.
Award Procedures
Each participating food bank shall be given the option to: 1) Receive all or part of its funding allocation to contract directly with agricultural Entities; and 2) elect for the Administering Entity to retain all or part of the food bank’s funding allocation to contract with agricultural entities on behalf of the food bank. Merit Based Review (MBR) excepted; reimbursement based on monthly reporting
Subject to state appropriation
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
Appeals pursuant to Illinois Administrative Code Title 89, Section 130.300 In accordance with GATA Administrative Rules, Section 350, Merit Based Review of Grant Applications, a merit-based application review is required for competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements, unless prohibited by State or Federal statute. The appeals process is set forth in section 7000.350 available here:
Authorization for extension or renewals based on state appropriation.
Formula Matching Requirements
Formula: Funding shall be allocated to each participating food bank according to the prevailing Weighted County Allocations used by the Department for The Emergency Food Assistance Program, and the allocation formula will be decided upon by the Administering Entity. The Administering Entity shall have statewide reach and represent multiple food banks that source and distribute food to Illinois food pantries and soup kitchens under the same authorities and standards as the Emergency Food Assistance Program administered by the Department (305 ILCS 44/15). The Administering Entity may reallocate to the remaining participating food banks any funding that is not accepted or obligated before the end of the State fiscal year. Matching Requirements: To receive funds made available by the Department under this Section, a participating food bank must supply cash or in-kind contributions from non-state funds equal to 50% of the cost of the program activities per 305 ILCS 44/10.
Uses and Restrictions
(a) The Illinois Farm to Food Bank Program may distribute food to food banks with the infrastructure to accept, store, and distribute foods through the emergency food system in compliance with federal, State, or local health and food safety requirements and with the capacity to serve significant geographic areas within Illinois. Foods may be sourced directly from an agricultural entity or via Illinois-based aggregators as long as the foods meet program requirements. (b) Program participants shall match Farm to Food Bank resources with non-state funds. The match can be met through cash or in-kind contributions. (c) All food distributed under the program must be distributed in Illinois, regardless of the service area of the program participant.
Project Grants require quarterly Program Performance Report (PPR). Project grants require a monthly Periodic Financial Report (PFR). The Administering Entity shall establish additional goals, preferences, and incentives to advance equity, especially racial equity, in the farm industry. Priority should be given to acquiring food from Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers, as defined below. 1. The categories include American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Black/African American, Latine/o/a, Refugee, LGBTQ+, Veteran, Female Business Owner, Greater than 50 miles (or 30 minutes) to the nearest distribution point (farmers market or market opportunity), Qualify for benefits based on income (low socioeconomic status), Person with disabilities, or New farmer/rancher (as defined by USDA is under 10 years). 2. Business is located in high-vulnerability counties (as determined by CDC's Social Vulnerability Index). Develop and submit to the Department an annual plan outlining anticipated needs, outreach efforts, potential challenges.
Audit Requirements according to UGA: ARTICLE XV, AUDIT REQUIREMENTS JCAR Title 44 Illinois Administrative Code 7000.90
In accordance with 7 CFR 246, each Local Agency shall maintain full and complete records of Program operations in compliance with Federal and State records retention requirements. All records shall be retained for three (3) years following the close of the fiscal year to which the records pertain. An agency (e.g., any court and all parts, boards, departments, bureaus, and commissions of any county, municipal corporation or political subdivision) shall comply with the Local Records Act, which regulates the destruction and preservation of public records within the State of Illinois. The Federal Agency or Department may require longer retention of records and/or submission of such records to these agencies if the records cover a time period still open to audit.
Account Identification
Appropriation Code funding this grant. May need to be updated annually.
Grant period from : July 1-June 30
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Program Accomplishments
Number of Pounds Distributed, Number of Neighbors Served
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
305 ILCS 44/10 ( HB2879 103RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY ( Terms subject to 89 Ill. Adm. Code 130: Administration of Social Service Programs
Regional or Local Assistance Location
All 102 Illinois Counties
Headquarters Office
IDHS, 823 East Monroe, Springfield, IL 62701
Program Website
Example Projects
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2024 : $2,500,000
FY 2025 : $2,500,000
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range