Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus Rural Shelter Program
CSFA Number: 420-75-3432
Agency Name
Department Of Commerce And Economic Opportunity (420)
Agency Identification
Agency Contact
Wendy Bell
Short Description
The Rural Shelter program funds construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or acquisition of property for Homeless (as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Shelters in an effort to increase capacity to pre-COVID levels. The Rural Shelter program is limited to those areas that do not receive direct Community Development Block Grant entitlement assistance from HUD.
Federal Authorization
P.L. 116-136 CARES Act
Illinois Statue Authorization
Illinois Administrative Rules Authorization
Title 47, Part 110, Subpart A
The objective of this program component is to fund construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or acquisition of property for Homeless (as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Shelters dedicated to the provision of stable, safe and adequate housing.
Prime Recipient
UGA Program Terms
As set forth in Paragraph 2.4, to the extent any provisions in Article XLI are contrary with those provisions set forth in 2 CFR Part 200 (and contained in PART ONE of this Agreement), the provisions in Article XLI are controlling. 41.1. Program Objective. Funding under this Award is to meet one or more of the following national objectives as required by Section 104(b)(3) of the US Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 USC § 5301 - 5320). The national objectives include: 1) Benefiting low and moderate income persons; 2) Aiding in the prevention or elimination of slums and/or blight; 3) Expanding economic opportunities; or 4) Meeting other community development needs that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community (urgent need). Correspondingly, the State has established the following specific objectives for the Community Development Assistance Program (“CDAP”), which include: 1) Strengthening community economic development through the creation of jobs, stimulation of private investment, and strengthening of the tax base; 2) Alleviation of economic distress and realizing community economic development opportunities of benefit for low and moderate-income individuals; 3) Improvement of public infrastructure and elimination of conditions which are detrimental to health, safety, and public welfare; 4) Conservation and expansion of the State’s housing stock in order to provide a decent home and suitable living environment for persons of low and moderate-income and persons with disabilities. 47 Ill Admin. Code 110.40. The primary objective/scope of work for this Award is identified in Exhibit A hereof. For carrying out the program objectives as described in the Project Description (Exhibit A), the total compensation and reimbursement payable by the Grantor to the Grantee shall not exceed the amount specified in this Agreement. The Grantor shall distribute/pay the total amount of the grant Award to the Grantee and the Grantee agrees to perform the Project Description in compliance with the Budget, the Project Description (Exhibit A), the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State, Local and Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments (24 CFR 85.1 et seq.), the federal regulations for the Community Development Block Grants (24 CFR 570 et seq.), and the Illinois Administrative Rules ( 47 Ill Admin. Code 110). The Grant Funds shall be expended only for project costs that are necessary to complete the program objectives and which are eligible under and meet the provisions of 2 CFR 200. The Grantor is authorized to award these Grant Funds by implementing Sections 605-940 and 605- 945 of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois [20 ILCS 605/605-940 and 605-945], which is authorized by Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (42 USC § 5301 - 5320). 41.2. Monitoring and Evaluation. The Grantor will monitor and evaluate the Award made to the Grantee under this program. Throughout the program year, the Grantor will periodically monitor the Award for programmatic and fiscal compliance under the CDAP Illinois Administrative Rules (47 Ill. Admin. Code 110), federal regulations, and as well as the policies and guidelines contained in the CDAP Grants Management Handbook. The Award will also be subject to monitoring and evaluation by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 41.3. Grant Impact. The Award will be evaluated to determine its impact upon the low and- moderate income residents of the community and for the effective and efficient utilization of CDAP funds. Evaluations will occur both during the operation of the Award and upon its completion. 41.4. Audits, Inspections and Record Retention. The Grantee will as often as deemed necessary by the Grantor or the Comptroller of the State of Illinois, or the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, or the Comptroller General of the United States.
Eligible Applicants
Government Organizations;
Applicant Eligibility
Units of Local Government not receiving an annual allocation directly from HUD on an entitlement (formula) basis are “Entitlements”, are eligible for this grant. The following metropolitan cities and communities located within a named Urban County are not eligible to apply. Urban Counties: Cook County Madison County DuPage County McHenry County Kane County St. Clair County Lake County Will County Metropolitan Cities: Arlington Heights DeKalb Mount Prospect Rantoul Aurora Des Plaines Naperville Rockford Berwyn Elgin Normal Rock Island Bloomington Evanston Oak Lawn Schaumburg Champaign Hoffman Estates Oak Park Skokie Chicago Joliet Palatine Springfield Cicero Kankakee Pekin Urbana Danville Moline Peoria Waukegan Decatur
Beneficiary Eligibility
Homeless persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Types of Assistance
Project Grants
Subject / Service Area
Economic Development
Credentials / Documentation
Only units of general local government (i.e., cities, villages, townships and counties) may apply for funding. Municipalities must not be a HUD direct Entitlement community or be located in an urban county that receives "entitlement" funds. . All applicants must: • Have a current Shelter Funding Strategy identifying needs, and plans to meet the needs. • Have a strong collaborative relationship with all relevant local entities (service providers, community organizations, etc.) and have letters of support from a minimum of 5 community homelessness support services; • Remain compliant with all applicable provisions of State and Federal laws and regulations pertaining to nondiscrimination, sexual harassment and equal employment opportunity including, but not limited to: The Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq.), The Public Works Employment Discrimination Act (775 ILCS 10/1 et seq.), The United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended) (42 USC 2000a and 2000H-6), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 794), The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 12101 et seq.), and The Age Discrimination Act (42 USC 6101 et seq.). All applicants must be registered at: prior to application submission. Applications submitted by entities who have not registered will not be considered for review. In addition, the Internal Control Questionniare (ICQ) for the current year must be completed prior to grant execution. All applications must include: • A copy of the local government’s current Shelter Funding Strategy • A minimum of five (5) Letters of Support for the grant application from community homelessness support services;
Preapplication Coordination
Application Procedures
All applications must include the narrative responses and requested documentation as outlined in the NOFO and Program Guidebook, available at: Under the Grant Accountability & Transparency Act (GATA), all applicants (local governments) must register with the State of Illinois via the “Grantee Portal” at and be pre-qualified prior to grant award. Failure to register and complete the Internal Control Questionnaire (ICQ) for Fiscal Year 2025 prior to application will delay award. Applications for the CDBG-CV Rural Shelter Construction component may be submitted at any time after the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) has been made available, and before the NOFO closes. All grant application materials must be: • Typed (except for signatures and preprinted materials such as bank statements) • All application materials requiring a signature from the applicant (local official) must be signed by the Chief Elected Official. The original and one copy of the complete grant package in the order specified on the Submission Checklist (Application Forms section) must be mailed to: Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Office of Community Development Rural Shelter Program 1011 South Second Street Springfield, IL 62704
Criteria Selecting Proposals
The screening and review process for the program is designed to ensure that limited CDBG-CV funds are awarded to entities that demonstrate the need for financial assistance and have a well-designed project. The actual number and types of awards will be subject to funding availability and the amount of each applicant's request. The Department reserves the right to perform a site visit. All recommendations are forwarded to the Director of the Department who makes the final funding decisions. However, all decisions will be based on the general distribution of funds in Section I of this CDBG-CV Guidebook.
Award Procedures
Applications will be funded from the highest score to the lowest score while ensuring funding touches a broad geography of the State. The Department reserves the right to perform a site visit.
Range of Approval or Disapproval Time
60 days
The Merit Based Review process is subject to appeal. However, competitive grant appeals are limited to the evaluation process. Evaluation scores may not be protested. Only the evaluation process is subject to appeal. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Department within 14 calendar days after the date that the grant award notice has been published. The written appeal shall include the name and address of the appealing party, the identification of the grant and a statement of reasons for the appeal. To file an appeal, applicants must submit the appeal in writing and in accordance with the Merit-Based Application Review Appeals Process listed on the Grant Opportunities page of the DCEO website:
Formula Matching Requirements
Matching is not required, however a maximum of 5 points will be assigned to projects contributing 80% or more of the total project costs.
Uses and Restrictions
All grant funds must relate to one of the following HUD-defined activity codes: 01 Acquisition if CDBG-CV funds will be used only for the acquisition of property for a public purpose. This code is frequently used for acquisition of property on which a public facility or improvement will be constructed using other funds. 03C Homeless Facilities (not operating costs) for construction, conversion, renovation or rehabilitation of shelters for the homeless, including shelters for domestic violence victims.. This code should also be used for transitional housing and SROs (single room occupancy units) for the homeless that are funded by CDBG-CV. 03Q Abused and Neglected Children’s Facilities (not operating costs) for construction, conversion, renovation or rehabilitation of shelters providing temporary housing for abused and neglected children. In addition, activities must be germane, connected in purpose, and address the same threat to health and safety.
Quarterly Reporting using PPR and PFR; Notice of Contract Award; Section 3 Report
Account Identification
875-42075-4900-1099 0875.42075.4900.001000PY
$10,000,000 (CY)
Range and Average of Financial Assistance
Minimum Grant Award: $300,000 Grant Ceiling: $2,000,000
Program Accomplishments
Construction, Reconstruction or Acquisition of Property related to Shelters
Regulations, Guidelines, and Literature
Regional or Local Assistance Location
Units of Local Government not receiving an annual allocation directly from HUD on an entitlement (formula) basis are “Entitlements”, are eligible for this grant.
Headquarters Office
500 East Monroe Springfield, IL 62701 and 555 W Monroe St, 12th Floor Chicago, IL 60661
Program Website
Example Projects
Reconstruction of a shelter to expand capacity; purchase of land to build a shelter.
Published Date
Funding By Fiscal Year
FY 2025 : $10,000,000
Federal Funding
Notice of Funding Opportunities
Agency IDAward RangeApplication Range
DetailsFY25-1$300000 - $200000008/09/2024 - 11/14/2024 : 5:00PM